推荐:揭秘解决杀毒软件误删asp文件的方法一些杀毒软件经常会把某些asp文件当成病毒删除,有时简直防不胜防,程序莫名其妙的就不能用了,因为少了文件呀~~。这主要是因为,杀毒软件将某些asp代码当成木马关键词,记录保存着,所以遇到有这个关键词,就会禁止运行或删除。 解决的方法是将这些关键词给
首先建一个access 数据库,库中有一个URLINDEX表,其中URL和Keywords字段分别添加了索引,如下:URL 文本 (索引:有(无重复)) Title 文本 Description 文本 Summary 文本 Keywords 文本(索引:有(无重复)) |
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>简单搜索引擎</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="doquery.asp?act=search"> Query: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="QueryString"><BR> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM> </CENTER> <% dim act act=request("act") if(act="search") then QueryString = Request.form( "QueryString" ) QueryWords = Split( QueryString ) strIndent = " " ’ 如果搜索为空则返回 If QueryString = "" Then Response.Redirect( "default.asp" ) End If Session.timeout = 2 If IsObject(Session("sitesearch_conn")) Then Set conn = Session("sitesearch_conn") Else Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("database/SiteSearch.mdb"),"","" Set Session("sitesearch_conn") = conn End If ’ 查询语句 sql = "SELECT * FROM [URLIndex] WHERE" ’搜索Description字段 sql = sql & " ( [Description] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( 0 ) & "%’" ’ First For i = LBound( QueryWords ) + 1 to UBound( QueryWords ) If QueryWords( i ) <> "" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "AND" Then If uCase( QueryWords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then sql = sql & " OR [Description] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" Else sql = sql & " AND [Description] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" End If End If Next ’ 搜索Keywords字段 sql = sql & " ) OR ( [Keywords] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( 0 ) & "%’" For i = LBound( QueryWords ) + 1 to UBound( QueryWords ) If QueryWords( i ) <> "" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "AND" Then If uCase( QueryWords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then sql = sql & " OR [Keywords] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" Else sql = sql & " AND [Keywords] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" End If End If Next ’ 搜索Title字段 sql = sql & " ) OR ( [Title] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( 0 ) & "%’" For i = LBound( QueryWords ) + 1 to UBound( QueryWords ) If QueryWords( i ) <> "" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "OR" and UCase( QueryWords(i) ) <> "AND" Then If uCase( QueryWords( i-1 ) ) = "OR" Then sql = sql & " OR [Title] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" Else sql = sql & " AND [Title] LIKE ’%" & QueryWords( i ) & "%’" End If End If Next |
分享:揭秘17个ASP编程基础典型代码1.ASP取得表格输入数据的方法:GETPOST 一.get:用户端将数据加到URL后,格式为”?字段1=输入数据1字段2=输入数据2...,再将其送到服务器。如:action为www.abc.com,字段Name输入数据为jack,字段age的数据为15,则用get方法为http://www.abc.com?Name=jackAge=