<!-- #include File="Conn.asp" --> <% Server.ScriptTimeOut=999999999 %> <% if request("overid")="" then response.write "结束ID不可为空" response.end elseif request("download")="" then response.write "请选择是否下载" response.end end if if request("id")=request("overid") then response.write "采集任务结束" response.end end if gourl1=request("id") gourl1=gourl1+1 %> <% function GetPy(Str) for i=1 to len(Str) GetPy=GetPy&GetPyChar(mid(Str,i,1)) next end function
Function GetURL(url) Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "GET", url, False .Send GetURL = bytes2bstr(.responsebody) if len(.responsebody)<100 then response.write "获取远程文件 <a href="&url&" target=_blank>"&url&"</a> 失败。" response.write"<meta http-equiv=""refresh"" content=""0;URL=getid.asp?id="&gourl1&""">" response.end end if