private sub class_initialize version="COMPRESS_DECOMPRESS_FILES BUILDER 20051015" copyright="POWER BY MIRACLE (BLUEDESTINY)" Set oFso=server.CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oWshShell=server.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") writeLn(version+"<br>"+copyright) end Sub private sub class_terminate if isobject(oWshShell) then set oWshShell=nothing if isobject(oFso) then set oFso=nothing end Sub private function physicalPath(byVal s) physicalPath=server.mappath(s) end Function private sub validateFile(byVal s) if oFso.FileExists(s) then exit sub if oFso.FolderExists(s) then exit sub callErr "file(folder) not exists!" end Sub private sub createFolder(byVal s) if oFso.FolderExists(s) then exit Sub oFso.createFolder(s) end Sub private sub writeLn(byVal s) response.write "<p>" + s + "</p>" + vbCrlf end Sub private sub callErr(byVal s) writeLn "<p><b>ERROR:</b></p>" + s response.End end sub private sub callSucc(byVal s) writeLn "<p><b>SUCCESS:</b></p>" + s end Sub
public sub compress validateFile(sCompressPath)"WinRAR A " + sCompressPath + " " + sDecompressPath & "") if Err.number>0 then callErr("compress lost!") callSucc("compress <b>" + sDecompressPath + "</b> to <b>" + sCompressPath + ".rar</b> successfully!") end Sub public sub decompress validateFile(sCompressPath) createFolder(sDecompressPath)"WinRAR X " + sCompressPath + " " + sDecompressPath & "") if Err.number>0 then callErr("decompress lost!") callSucc("decompress <b>" + sCompressPath + ".rar</b> to <b>" + sDecompressPath + "</b> successfully!") end sub