<% option explicit dim fs,filename,txt,content,total,counter_lenth counter_lenth=1 '设置显示数据的最小长度,如果小于实际长度则以实际长度为准 set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") filename=server.MapPath("count.txt") if not fs.FileExists(filename) then fs.CreateTextFile filename,True,True set txt=fs.OpenTextFile(filename,2,true) txt.write 0 '如不存在保存数据的文件则创建新文件并写入数据0 set fs=nothing end if
set txt=fs.OpenTextFile(filename) If txt.AtEndOfStream Then Application("Counter")=0 '如果文件中没有数据,则初始化Application("Counter")的值(为了容错) else Application("Counter")=txt.readline end if
Function save_ '保存计数函数 set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") filename=server.MapPath("count.txt") content=Application("Counter") set txt=fs.OpenTextFile(filename,2,true) txt.write content set fs=nothing End Function
save_ '调用保存函数保存数据
Function Digital ( counter ) '显示数据函数 Dim i,MyStr,sCounter sCounter = CStr(counter) For i = 1 To counter_lenth - Len(sCounter) MyStr = MyStr & "0" 'MyStr = MyStr & "<IMG SRC=改成你自己的图片存放的相对目录/0.gif>" '如有图片,可用此语句调用 Next For i = 1 To Len(sCounter) MyStr = MyStr & Mid(sCounter, i, 1) 'MyStr = MyStr & "<IMG SRC=改成你自己的图片存放的相对目录/" & Mid(sCounter, i, 1) & ".gif>" '如有图片,可用此语句调用 Next Digital = MyStr End Function