<script> // Some data that is to be shown on the bar chart. To show a stacked or grouped chart // each number should be an array of further numbers instead (as below). var data = [280,45,133]; // An example of the data used by stacked and grouped charts // var data = [[1,5,6], [4,5,3], [7,8,9]] var bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: data, options: { labels: ['Richard', 'Alex', 'Nick'], gutterLeft: 45, backgroundBarcolor1: 'white', backgroundBarcolor2: 'white', backgroundGrid: true, colors: ['red'] } }).draw();</script>
You can use these properties to control how the chart apears. You can set them by including them in the options section of the configuration as above.
BackgroundAxes propertiesColorsMarginsLabels and textTitlesShadowScaleKeyInteractive featuresZoomEventsMiscellaneous
backgroundBarcolor1The color of the background bars, (1 of 2). Default: whitebackgroundBarcolor2The color of the background bars, (2 of 2). Default: whitebackgroundGridWhether to show the background grid or not.Default: truebackgroundGridColorThe color of the background grid.Default: #dddbackgroundGridHsizeThe horizontal background grid size.Default: 40backgroundGridVsizeThe vertical background grid size.Default: 18backgroundGridWidthThe width that the background grid lines are. Decimals (eg 0.5) are permitted.Default: 1backgroundGridBorderDetermines whether a border line is drawn around the grid.Default: truebackgroundGridHlinesDetermines whether to draw the horizontal grid lines.Default: truebackgroundGridVlinesDetermines whether to draw the vertical grid lines.Default: truebackgroundGridAutofitInstead of specifying a pixel width/height for the background grid, you can use autofit and specify how many horizontal and vertical lines you want.Default: truebackgroundGridAutofitNumhlinesWhen using autofit this allows you to specify how many horizontal grid lines you want.Default: 5backgroundGridAutofitNumvlinesWhen using autofit this allows you to specify how many vertical grid lines you want.Default: 20backgroundGridAutofitAlignIf you want to have your grid lines line up with the labels (both X and Y axes), you can set this to true and RGraph will attempt to make the grid lines line up. If you have ahmargin set then the alignment will be thrown out.Default: falsebackgroundGridDottedIf you want to have your background grid dashed then set this to true.Default: falsebackgroundGridDashedIf you want to have your background grid dotted then set this to true. This takes precedence over dashed lines.Default: falsebackgroundHbarsAn array of information stipulating horizontal coloured bars. You can use these to indicate limits. Eg:myBar.set('hbars', [[75, 10, 'yellow'], [85, 15, 'red']]); This would give you two bars, one red and a lower yellow bar. The units correspond to your scale, and are the starting point and the height.Default: nullbackgroundImageIf you want to specify a background image to use on your chart, specify it with this property. If you use effects with a background image on your chart it may make the effect flicker. Using a background image with the ondraw event may mean that the event fires twice. There is a property that you can check though that is set when the image has loaded:obj.__rgraph_background_image_loaded__ Simply check this flag in your ondraw event. If it's true then the background image has loaded.Default: nullbackgroundImageStretchBy default your background image is stretched (if necessary) to cover the whole chart area (gutters not included). If this is not what you want then set this property to false.Default: truebackgroundImageXThe X position of the image. The coordinates are the top left corner of the image.Default: nullbackgroundImageYThe Y position of the image. The coordinates are the top left corner of the image.Default: nullbackgroundImageWThe width of the image. If you have a large canvas with many charts - you may need to specify this.Default: nullbackgroundImageHThe height of the image. If you have a large canvas with many charts - you may need to specify this.Default: nullbackgroundImageAlignInstead of specifying the coordinates of the image, you can instead simply align it top, bottom, left or right. Examples are:top leftbottom rightbottomrightDefault: nullbackgroundImageAlphaThe alpha value (the opacity) of the image.Default: 1backgroundColorIf you want to have a single background color for your chart you can use this. It doesn't cover the gutters. If you want that then you can simply apply a CSS background color to the canvas tag.Default: null
Axes properties
noaxesTurns off the drawing of the axesDefault: false (the axes ARE drawn)noxaxisWhether the X axis is drawnDefault: false (the X axis IS drawn)noyaxisWhether the Y axis is drawnDefault: false (the Y axis IS drawn)noendxtickWhen you're combining the Bar and Line charts, you may want to use this property to stop the end X tick from being drawn.Default: false (the end tick IS drawn)numxticksThis controls the number of X tickmarks on the X axis.Default: nullnumyticksThe number of Y tickmarks.Default: 10axisColorThe color of the axes.Default: blackaxisLinewidthThe linewidth of the axes.Default: 1
strokestyleThe color of the outline of the bars.Default: rgba(0,0,0,0)colorsAn array of the colors of the bars.Default: An array - ['rgb(0,0,255)', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0']colorssequentialIf true, for regular bar charts, (not stacked or grouped), the colors that you specify will be used in a sequential fashion.Default: falsecolorsReverseIf true, for stacked bar charts only, the colors that you specify will be used in a reverse order to what they are normally.Default: false
hmarginThe horizontal margin (in pixels) of the chart. The horizontal margin is on the inside of the axes.Default: 5hmarginGroupedIn a grouped bar chart this is the margin between bars that are on the same group. You can see examples of the hmargins inthe RGraph demos.Default: 1gutterLeftThe left gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are)).Default: 25gutterRightThe right gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).Default: 25gutterTopThe top gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).Default: 25gutterBottomThe bottom gutter of the chart, (the gutter is where the labels and title are).Default: 25
Labels and text
textaccessibleA new feature in 2016 that allows you to use DOM text in place of canvas text. It makes for much higher quality text that you can also select if desired (for copy/paste Operations). It won't fit all situations andyou can read more about the DOM text feature here. A good way to control borders/margins/padding etc is not to set them on the canvas but to wrap the canvas in a div and set them on that like this:<div style="margin-left: 50px; display: inline-block"> <canvas id="cvs" width="650" height="250"></canvas></div>Default: truetextAccessibleOverflowThis can be visible or hidden and it controls whether the text is clipped to the edges of the canvas. It defaults to be visible and means you can set small gutters if you wish.Default: visibletextAccessiblePointereventsThis controls whether the DOM text responds to mouse based events or not (it sets thepointer-events CSS property tonone).Default: truetextColorThe color of the labels.Default: blacktextSizeThe size (in points) of the labels.Default: 10textAngleThe angle of the horizontal text labels (at the bottom of the chart). This can be from 90 to -90 degreesDefault: 0 (Horizontal)textFontThe font used to render the text.Default: AriallabelsAn array of the labels to be used on the chart.Default: An empty arraylabelsBoldWhether the labels are bold or notDefault: falselabelsColorThe color of the labelsDefault: null (same as textColor)labelsAboveIf true, values will be shown above the bars. For regular and stacked bar charts units are included, whereas for grouped bar charts they're not (usually there isn't enough space for them).Default: falselabelsAboveDecimalsThis stipulates how many decimals are used in the above bar labels.Default: 0labelsAboveUnitsPreThe units to put on the above labels. These are positioned BEFORE the numberDefault: 0labelsAboveUnitsPostThe units to put on the above labels. These are positioned AFTER the numberDefault: 0labelsAboveSizeThe font size of the above bar labels. Useful if you only have a few bars.Default: nulllabelsAboveBackgroundThe background-color of the labels above the barsDefault: rgba(0,0,0,0)labelsAboveColorThe color of the labels above the barsDefault: null(defaults to text.color setting)labelsAboveOffsetThe distance of the labels above the bars (in pixels)Default: 4labelsAboveAngleYou can use this to angle the text shown above the bars. It can be anything from -90 to 90 (degrees).Default: nulllabelsAboveSpecificIf instead of the values you want to show arbitrary text - you can with this. It should be an arry of the labels to be shown.Default: nulllabelsIngraphAn array of labels for the chart which are drawn "inside" the chart. If you have 5 data points then this should have a corresponding number of elements, though there is ashorthand available.Default: nulllabelsOffsetxThis allows you finer grained control in the horizontal direction over the X label positioning if you need it.Default: 0labelsOffsetyThis allows you finer grained control in the vertical direction over the X label positioning if you need it.Default: 0ylabelsCan be true or false and determines whether the chart has Y axis labels.Default: trueylabelsCountA value that controls how many Y labels there are. This value could formerly be either 1/3/5/10 however now it can be any number.Default: 5ylabelsSpecificYou can use this option to give your own Y labels (eg ['Low', 'Medium', 'High']. Note: Since March 2013 you may now need to add an extra (optionally) empty element to the array of labels to achieve your desired result.Default: nullylabelsOffsetxThis allows you finer grained control in the horizontal direction over the Y label positioning if you need it.Default: 0ylabelsOffsetyThis allows you finer grained control in the vertical direction over the Y label positioning if you need it.Default: 0
titleThe title of the chart, if any.Default: nulltitleFontThe font that the title is rendered in. If not specified the text.font setting is used (usually Arial)Default: nulltitleSizeThe size of the title. If not specified the size is usually 2pt bigger than the text.size setting.Default: nulltitleBoldWhether the title is bold or not.Default: truetitleItalicWhether the title is italic or not.Default: falsetitleBackgroundThe background color (if any) for the title.Default: nulltitleColorThe color of the title.Default: blacktitleXTo give the exact X coordinate for the title - use thisDefault: nulltitleYTo give the exact Y coordinate for the title - use thisDefault: nulltitleXaxisThis allows to specify a title for the X axis.Default: nonetitleXaxisSizeThis allows you to specify a size for the X axis title.Default: nulltitleXaxisFontThis allows to specify a font for the X axis title.Default: nulltitleXaxisBoldThis controls whether the X axis title is bold or not.Default: truetitleXaxisColorThis controls the color of the X axis title.Default: blacktitleXaxisXBy giving this you can specifically set the X position of the X axis titleDefault: nulltitleXaxisYBy giving this you can specifically set the Y position of the X axis titleDefault: nulltitleYaxisThis allows to specify a title for the Y axis.Default: nonetitleYaxisSizeThis allows you to specify a size for the Y axis title.Default: nulltitleYaxisFontThis allows to specify a font for the Y axis title.Default: nulltitleYaxisBoldThis controls whether the Y axis title is bold or not.Default: truetitleYaxisColorThis controls what color the Y axis is.Default: blacktitleXaxisPosThis is multiplied with the gutter to give the position of the X axis title.Default: 0.25titleYaxisPosThis is multiplied with the gutter to give the position of the Y axis title.Default: 0.25titleYaxisXBy giving this you can specifically set the X position of the Y axis titleDefault: nulltitleYaxisYBy giving this you can specifically set the Y position of the Y axis titleDefault: null
shadowWhether a drop shadow is applied.Default: falseshadowColorThe color of the shadow.Default: #aaashadowOffsetxThe X offset of the shadow.Default: 0shadowOffsetyThe Y offset of the shadow.Default: 0shadowBlurThe severity of the shadow blurring effect.Default: 15
scaleFormatterTo allow thoroughly custom formats of numbers in the scale, you can use this option to specify a function that is used by RGraph to format numbers. This function should handle ALL of the formatting. Eg:function myFormatter(obj, num){ return num + 'F'; // An example of formatting}myGraph.set('scale.formatter', myFormatter);Default: nullscaleRoundWhether to round the scale up. eg A maximum value of 59 results in scale to 100.Default: falsescaleDecimalsThe number of decimal places to display for the Y scale.Default: 0scalePointThe character used as the decimal point.Default: .scaleThousandThe character used as the thousand separatorDefault: ,scaleZerostartWhether the scale starts at zero or not.Default: trueunitsPreThe units that the Y axis is measured in. This string is displayed BEFORE the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as "$50".Default: noneunitsPostThe units that the Y axis is measured in. This string is displayed AFTER the actual number, allowing you to specify values such as "50ms".Default: noneymaxThe optional maximum Y scale value. If not specified then it will be calculated.Default: null (It's calculated)yminThe optional minimum Y scale value. If not specified then it will be 0.Default: 0
The key properties are documented on the key documentation page.
Interactive features
contextmenuAn array of context menu items. More information on context menus is here.Default: [] (An empty array)tooltipsA numerically indexed array of tooltips that are shown when a bar is clicked. These can contain HTML.Default: nulltooltipsEffectThe effect used for showing tooltips. Can be either fade or none.Default: fadetooltipsEventThis is the event that triggers the tooltips. It can be either onclick oronmousemove.Default: onclicktooltipsCssClassThis is the name of the CSS class the chart uses.Default: RGraph_tooltiptooltipsOverrideIf you wish to handle showing tooltips yourself, this should be a function object which does just that. There's more information on thetooltips documentation pageDefault: nulltooltipsHighlightSet this to false if you don't want your charts to be highlighted.Default: truetooltipsNohideonclearNot an option that you'll need particularly often if at all. Setting this to true means that when you call the RGraph.clear() API function tooltip DO NOT get hidden.Default: falsetooltipsHotspotXonlyIf set to true the hotspot for the tooltips will ignore the height of the bar and extend from top gutter down to the bottom gutter. This can be useful when you have zero value bars but still want to see the tooltips.Default: falsecrosshairsIf true, you will get a crosshair centering on the current mouse position.Default: falsecrosshairsLinewidthThis controls the linewidth of the crosshairs.Default: 1crosshairsColorThe color of the crosshairs.Default: #333crosshairsHlinesThis determines whether the horizontal crosshair is shown.Default: truecrosshairsVlinesThis determines whether the vertical crosshair is shown.Default: trueannotatableWhether annotations are enabled for the chart (ie you can draw on the chart interactively.Default: falseannotateColorIf you do not allow the use of the palette, then this will be the only colour allowed for annotations.Default: blackannotateLinewidthThis is the line width of the annotations.Default: 1resizableDefaulting to false, this determines whether your chart will be resizable. Because of the numerous event handlers this has to install code on, This feature is unlikely to work with other dynamic features (the context menu is fine however).Default: falseresizeHandleBackgroundWith this you can specify the background color for the resize handle. If you're adjusting the position of the handle then you may need this to make the handle stand out more.Default: nullresizableMaxwidthThis allows you to set a maximum width that the chart can be resized to.Default: nullresizableMaxheightThis allows you to set a maximum height that the chart can be resized to.Default: nulladjustableDefaulting to false, this determines whether your bar chart will be adjustable.Default: falseadjustableOnlyThis should be an array of values that determine whether a Bar is adjustable or not. A truthy value for when it is, a falsey value for when its not.Default: null
zoomFactorThis is the factor that the chart will be zoomed by (bigger values means more zoom)Default: 1.5zoomFadeInWhether the zoomed canvas fades in or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.Default: truezoomFadeOutWhether the zoomed canvas fades out or not. This also can be used to control the fade in for the zoom in thumbnail mode.Default: truezoomHdirThe horizontal direction of the zoom. Possible values are: left, center,rightDefault: rightzoomVdirThe vertical direction of the zoom. Possible values are: up, center,downDefault: downzoomDelayThe delay (in milliseconds) between frames.Default: 50zoomFramesThe number of frames in the zoom animation.Default: 10zoomShadowWhether or not the zoomed canvas has a shadow or not.Default: true
eventsClickIf you want to add your own onclick function you can do so by assigning it to this property. Seehere for details.Default: nulleventsMousemoveIf you want to add your own onmousemove function you can do so by assigning it to this property. Seehere for details.Default: nulleventsMouSEOverIf you want to add your own onmouseover function you can do so by assigning it to this property. Seehere for details.Default: nulleventsMouseoutIf you want to add your own onmouseout function you can do so by assigning it to this property. Seehere for details.Default: null
highlightStyleBy default this is null but you can set it to a function if you wish so that function is called to do the chart highlighting. Its passed the shape object as an argument.Default: nullhighlightStrokeIf you use tooltips, this controls the colour of the highlight stroke.Default: blackhighlightFillIf you use tooltips, this controls the colour of the highlight fill.Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)variantThis stipulates whether you want a regular bar chart or a 3D chart. In August 2015 the 3D variant has much improved perspective. Possible values are:bar3dDefault: barvariantThreedOffsetxThis determines the size of the offset in the X directionDefault: 10variantThreedOffsetyThis determines the size of the offset in the Y directionDefault: 5variantThreedXaxisThis allows you to turn on/off the threed X axisDefault: truevariantThreedYaxisThis allows you to turn on/off the threed Y axisDefault: truexaxisposThe position of the X axis. This can be bottom, center or top.Default: bottomyaxisposSpecifies the Y axis position. Can be left or rightDefault: leftgroupingHow the bars are grouped, and it should be one of: grouped or stackedDefault: groupedbevelIf true the bars will be given a 3D bevelled appearance.Default: falsecleartoThis is used in animations and effects as the default color to use when clearing the canvas.Default: nullerrorbarsThis should be an array of errorbar information or it can simply be a number instead (see below).Default: falseerrorbarsLinewidthThis is the linewidth of the errorbars.Default: 1errorbarsColorThis is the color of the errorbars. You can also override the color in the errorbar array.Default: blackerrorbarsCappedThis dictates whether the errorbars have caps on their ends or not.Default: trueerrorbarsCappedWidthThis is the width of the caps (in total) on the end of the errorbar.Default: 14combinedchartEffectSet this to the name of an effect (eg grow ) and the CombinedChart object will use that effect to draw the chart instead of the regular draw() functionDefault: nullcombinedchartEffectOptionsThis should be a STRING that contains a javaScript object of options for the effect function like this:combinedchartEffectOptions: '{frames: 300}'It has to be a string because of a quirk of the option parsing system.Default: nullcombinedchartEffectCallbackA function that runs when this objects effect has conpleted.Default: null
obj.get(name)An accessor that you can use to retrieve the value of properties.
obj.set(name, value)An accessor that you can use to set the value of properties.
obj.getShape(event)This method makes it easier to get hold of which bar has been clicked on, or hovered over. It returns an array of:The chart objectThe X coordinateThe Y coordinateThe width of the barThe height of the barThe numerical index of the bar. This corresponds (for example) to the tooltips array, and the coordinates array
The shape also includes textual indexes like this: shape['object'] And they are:
objectxywidthheighttooltipindexAn example usage is:<canvas id="cvs" width="600" height="250">[No canvas support]</canvas><script src="RGraph.common.core.js"></script><script src="RGraph.bar.js"></script><script> bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,6,1.9,2,2.1,2.5], options: { labels: ['John', 'Barry', 'Rich', 'Craig', 'Tom', 'Frank', 'Helen', 'Joyce', 'Fred'] } }).draw(); bar.canvas.onclick = function (e) { RGraph.Redraw(); var ca = e.target; var co = ca.getContext('2d'); var obj = ca.__object__; var coords = obj.getShape(e); if (coords) { var top = coords[1]; var left = coords[2]; var width = coords[3]; var height = coords[4]; co.strokeStyle = 'black'; co.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; co.strokeRect(top, left, width, height); co.fillRect(top, left, width, height); } }</script>obj.getShapeByX(event)
This method is similar to the above, but only uses the X coordinate to get the relevant bar.
This method can be used to get the value at a particular point or at the mouse coordinates, based on the scale that is in use. Not simply the coordinates of the mouse. The argument can either be an event object (for use in event listener functions) OR a two element array consisting of the X and Y coordinates (ie when you're not necessarily in an event listener). It returns null if the mouse or coordinates are in the gutter areas. An example:
bar.canvas.onclick = function (e){ var obj = e.target.__object__; var value = obj.getValue(e); // ...}obj.getYCoord(value)
This method can be used to get an appropriate Y coord for a value when you're doing custom drawing on the chart. It returns null if the value is out of range.
obj.on(event, func)
This method can be used to set an event listener on an object. It operates in a similar way to the jQuery .on() function - the first argument is the event you wish to attach to and the second is the handler function. For example:
.on('draw', function (obj){ // Put event code here});The exec option and method
The exec function is documented here.
Errorbars can allow you show an upper and lower range for a particular bar likethis example page here shows. You can specify errorbars like this:
var bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: [12,18,10,9,6,20,18], options: { labels: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'], shadow: false, colors: ['red'], strokestyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', errorbars: [ [5,3], [2,6], [5,15,'blue',5,45] ], errorbarsLinewidth: 2, // The default linewidth errorbarsColor: 'gray', // The default color errorbarsCapped: true, // Whether the ends of the errorbar have terminating lines errorbarsCappedWidth: 14 // The default width of the caps } }).draw();This would give you three errorbars and the elements of each errorbar array are (each one is optional):
The upper extent of the errorbarThe lower extent of the errorbarThe color of this errorbarThe linewidth of this errorbarThe (total) width of the cap at the end of this errorbar
Note about the data_arr array
Sometimes you may wish to view your data as one big array, instead of one array per dataset. In this case theobj.data_arr is available. This is one long array containing all of the individual data points.
Animation Effects
These effects are available and can be used instead of the .draw() function. There are also generic effects available which you can see here:Generic effects and transitionsWave effectGrow effectColorWave effect<script> /** * Optional callback function that's called when the effect is complete */ function myCallback (obj) { // ... } var obj = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: [3,4,7,5,6,9,8], options: { gutterLeft: 35, hmargin: 60 } }).wave({frames: 60}, myCallback); // .grow({frames: 60}, myCallback);</script>Share RGraph...X
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