1. Download weblogic installer from www.Oracle.com
2. Install Weblogic
$ sudo xhost + # in case current user cannot access Xwindow
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
$ java -jar fmw_12.
# it needs full installation with samples
# then weblogic isinstalled at $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
# and the samples isat $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/samples
# btw, for more details please reference to index.html under
3. Create a Weblogic domain
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
$ sh config.sh #configuration wizard
# create a domain by default at $ORACLE_HOME/user_PRojects/domains/base_domain
4. Start the domain
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain
$ startWebLogic.sh & # start domain
URL - http://localhost:8001/console/
5. Customize example properties
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/samples/server/examples/src
$ vi examples.properties
# for example:
>bea.home=/home/weblogic/orahome # ORACLE_HOME
> wls.port=8001
6. Prepare data forDerby
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/samples/server
$ . ./setExamplesEnv.sh # set environment variables
$ cd examples/common/ddl
$ ant db.setup.derby # Generating Derby Data
7. Define Data source in console
Name -examples-demoXA
JNDI Name - examples-dataSource-demoXAPool
Database Type - Derby
Database Driver - Derby's Driver (Type 4 XA) Versions: Any
8. Define Messaging
JMS Servers - examplesJMSServer
JMS Modules - examplesJMSModule
# then define resources under the module
1) Queue
Name- weblogic.examples.ejb30.ExampleQueue
JNDI Name - weblogic.examples.ejb30.ExampleQueue
2) ConnectionFactory
Name - weblogic.examples.ejb30.QueueConnectionFactory
JNDI Name - weblogic.examples.ejb30.QueueConnectionFactory
A Subdeployment is needed for Queue and Connection Factory, however, I always encounter
following issues, so I have to use a workaround: create 2 Subdeployments respectively for them.
weblogic.management.configuration.ServerMBeanImpl cannot be cast to weblogic.management.configuration.JMSServerMBean
TheSubDeploymentMBean examplesSub in deployment examplesJMSModule canonly be targeted to one JMSServerMBean because an entity that canonly be targeted to a single JMS server (for example a queue, topicor quota) has a sub-deployment-name element with value examplesSub
9. Prepare EJB sample
$ cd $ORACLE/wlserver/samples/server/examples/src/examples/ejb/ejb30
$ ant build
$ ant deploy
10. Run the sample
URL - http://localhost:8001/reviewService/