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前端学习笔记10 使用CSS3进行样式效果增强

2024-04-27 15:03:45




/* 这段代码实现了当鼠标滑过链接时的渐变效果 */a { color: #007c21; transition: color .4s ease;}a:hover { color: #00bf32; }



<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Rounded Corners</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/rounded-corners.css" /></head><body><div class="all-corners"></div><div class="one-corner"></div><div class="elliptical-corners"></div><div class="circle"></div></body></html>

  使用CSS圆角的四个例子,包含了必要的厂商前缀以支持旧版的Android、Mobile Safari和Safari浏览器。对于.circle,使用75px50%的效果是一样的,因为该元素的大小为150像素*150像素

div { background: #999; float: left; height: 150px; margin: 10px; width: 150px;}.all-corners { -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px;}.one-corner { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 75px; border-top-left-radius: 75px;}.elliptical-corners { -webkit-border-radius: 50px / 20px; border-radius: 50px / 20px;}.circle { -webkit-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%;}div { background: #ff9; border: 5px solid #326795; float: left; height: 150px; margin: 10px; width: 150px;}.example-1 { /* Makes the radius of the top-left and bottom-right corners 10px and the top-right and bottom-left corners 20px */ border-radius: 10px 20px;}.example-2 { /* Makes the radius of the top-left corner 20px, and all other corners 0 */ border-radius: 20px 0 0;}.example-3 { /* Makes the radius of the top-left corner 10px, the top-right corner 20px, the bottom-right corner 0, and the bottom-left corner 30px */ border-radius: 10px 20px 0 30px;}


这一步是可选的,输入-webkit-border-radius: r,这里的r是圆角的半径大小,表示为长度(带单位)。输入border-radius: r,这里的r是圆角的半径大小,使用与第一步中相同的值。这是该属性的标准短形式语法。


这一步是可选的,输入-webkit-border-top-left-radius: r,这里的r是左上方圆角的半径大小,表示为长度(带单位)。输入border-top-left-radius: r,这里的r使用与第一步中相同的值。这是该属性的标准长形式语法。创建右上方圆角使用top-right;创建右下方圆角使用bottom-right;创建左下方圆角使用bottom-left


这一步是可选的,输入-webkit-border-radius: x/y,其中x是圆角在水平方向上的半径大小,y是圆角在垂直方向上的半径大小,均表示为长度(带单位)。输入border-radius: x/y,其中xy跟第一步中的值相等。


输入-webkit-border-radius: r这里的r是元素的半径大小(带长度单位)。要创建圆形,可以使用短形式的语法,r的值应该等于元素高度或宽度的一半。输入border-radius: r这里的r是元素的半径大小(带长度单位),跟第一步中的r相等。这是标准的无前缀语法。

  注:不支持border-radius的旧的浏览器仅会以方角呈现元素。border-radius仅影响施加该样式的元素的角,不会影响其子元素的角。因此如果一个子元素有背景,该背景就有可能显示在一个或多个父元素的角的位置,从而影响圆角样式。有时元素的背景(这里讲的不是子元素的背景)会透过其圆角。为了避免这种情况,可以在元素的border-radius声明后面增加一条样式规则:background-clip: padding-box;




输入text-shadow:。分别输入表示x-offset(水平偏移量)、y-offset(垂直偏移量)、blur-radius(模糊半径)和color的值(前三个值带长度单位,四个值之间不用逗号分隔),例如 -2px 3px 7px #999


输入text-shadow:。分别输入x-offset(水平偏移量)、y-offset(垂直偏移量)、blur-radius(模糊半径)和color的值(前三个值带长度单位,四个值之间不用逗号分隔)。blur-radius的值是可选的。输入,(逗号)。对四种属性使用不同的值重复第二步。<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Text Shadow</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/text-shadow.css" /></head><body><p class="basic">Basic Shadow</p><p class="basic-negative">Basic Shadow</p><p class="blur">Blur Radius</p><p class="blur-inversed">Blur Radius</p><p class="multiple">Multiple Text Shadows</p></body></html>body { background: #fff; color: #222; font: 100%/1.05 helvetica, sans-serif; padding-top: 20px;}p { color: #222; /* nearly black */ font-size: 4.5em; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 45px;}p:last-child { margin: 0;}.basic { text-shadow: 3px 3px #aaa;}/* uses negative offsets--you can mix positive and negative ones, too. */.basic-negative { text-shadow: -4px -2px #ccc; /* a little lighter grey than #aaa */}.blur { text-shadow: 2px 2px 10px grey;}.blur-inversed { color: white; text-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #000; /* black */}/* this example has two shadows, but you can include more by separating each with a comma */.multiple { text-shadow: 2px 2px white, 6px 6px rgba(50,50,50,.25);}


将text-shadow(属性是继承的)改回默认值   即输入text-shadow: none;,这个属性不需要输入使用厂商前缀。


为其他元素添加阴影   使用text-shadow属性可以为元素的文本添加阴影,使用box-shadow属性则可以为元素本身添加阴影。他们的基础属性集是相同的,不过box-shadow还允许使用使用两个可选的属性:inset关键字属性和sPRead属性(用于扩张或收缩阴影)。   box-shadow属性接受六个值:带长度单位的x-offsety-offset、可选的带长度单位的blur-radius、可选的inset关键字、可选的带长度单位的spread值及color值。如果不指定blur-radiusspread的值,则设为0。

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Box Shadow</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/box-shadow.css" /></head><body><div class="shadow"> <p>Shadow with Blur</p></div><div class="shadow-negative"> <p>Shadow with Negative Offsets and Blur</p></div><div class="shadow-spread"> <p>Shadow with Blur and Spread</p></div><div class="shadow-offsets-0"> <p>Shadow with Offsets Zero, Blur, and Spread</p></div><div class="inset-shadow"> <p>Inset Shadow</p></div><div class="multiple"> <p>Multiple Shadows</p></div><div class="shadow-negative-spread"> <p>Shadow with Blur and Negative Spread</p></div></body></html>body { background: #000; color: #fff;}h1 { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 2.25em; line-height: 1.1; text-align: center;}/* NOTE: The background-image URLs are different below than in the example shown in the book, because I've placed the images in a sub-folder (called "img"), as is typical when organizing a site. Also, I thought it would be helpful for you to see how to construct your background-image URLs under these circumstances. Note that the URLs are relative to where the style sheet lives, NOT the HTML page that is displaying the image. */.night-sky { background-color: navy; /* fallback color */ background-image: url(../img/ufo.png), url(../img/stars.png), url(../img/stars.png), url(../img/sky.png); background-position: 50% 102%, 100% -150px, 0 -150px, 50% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x; height: 300px; margin: 25px auto 0; /* slightly different than book */ padding-top: 36px; width: 75%;}



输入-webkit-box-shadow:。分别输入表示x-offsety-offsetblur-radiusspreadcolor的值(前四个值均带长度单位),例如 2px 2px 5px #333。输入box-shadow:,再重复第二步。


输入-webkit-box-shadow:。分别输入表示表示x-offsety-offsetblur-radiusspreadcolor的值(前四个值均带长度单位),例如 2px 2px 5px #333。在冒号后输入inset,再输入一个空格(也可以在第二步之前输入inset和一个空格)。输入box-shadow:,再重复第二步和第三步。


输入-webkit-box-shadow:。分别输入表示表示x-offsety-offsetblur-radiusspreadcolor的值(前四个值均带长度单位),例如 2px 2px 5px #333。如果有必要,将inset关键字包含在内。输入逗号。对每种属性使用不同的值重复第二步。输入box-shadow:,再重复第二步至第四步。


输入-webkit-box-shadow: none;。输入box-shadow: none;




<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Multiple Backgrounds</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/multiple-backgrounds.css" /></head><body><div class="night-sky"> <h1>In the night sky...</h1></div></body></html>....night-sky { background-color: navy; /* fallback color */ background-image: url(../img/ufo.png), url(../img/stars.png), url(../img/stars.png), url(../img/sky.png); background-position: 50% 102%, 100% -150px, 0 -150px, 50% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x; height: 300px; margin: 25px auto 0; /* slightly different than book */ padding-top: 36px; width: 75%;}


输入background-color: b,这里的b是希望为元素应用的备用背景颜色。输入background-image: u,这里的u是绝对或相对路径引用的url列表(用逗号分隔。支持多重背景的浏览器,图像是分层次相互重叠在一起的,用逗号分隔的列表中的第一个图像位于顶部。)输入background-position: p,这里的p是成对的x-offsety-offset(可以是正的,也可以是负的;带长度单位或者关键字,如center top)的集合,用逗号分隔。对于第二步中指定的每个url,都应有一组x-offsety-offset。输入background-repeat: r,这里的rrepeat-xrepeat-yno-repeat值,用逗号分隔,第二步中指定的每个url对应一个值。


.night-sky { /* fallback with both a color and image */ background: navy url(../img/ufo.png) no-repeat center bottom; /* for supporting browsers */ background: url(../img/ufo.png) no-repeat 50% 102%, url(../img/stars.png) no-repeat 100% -150px, url(../img/stars.png) no-repeat 0 -150px, url(../img/sky.png) repeat-x 50% 100%; height: 300px; margin: 25px auto 0; padding-top: 36px; width: 75%;}


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Gradient Backgrounds</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/gradients.css" /></head><body><div class="vertical-down"><p>default</p></div><div class="vertical-up"><p>to top</p></div><div class="horizontal-rt"><p>to right</p></div><div class="horizontal-lt"><p>to left</p></div><div class="angle-bot-rt"><p>to <br />bottom right</p></div><div class="angle-bot-lt"><p>to <br />bottom left</p></div><div class="angle-top-rt"><p>to top right</p></div><div class="angle-top-lt"><p>to top left</p></div><div class="angle-120deg"><p>120deg</p></div><div class="angle-290deg"><p>290deg</p></div><section class="radial"> <div class="radial-center"><p>default</p></div> <div class="radial-top"><p>at top</p></div> <div class="radial-size-1"><p>100px, 50px</p></div> <div class="radial-size-2"><p>70% 90% at <br />bottom left</p></div> <div class="radial-various-1"><p>various 1</p></div> <div class="radial-various-2"><p>various 2</p></div></section><section class="color-stops"> <div class="color-stops-1"><p>yellow 10%, green</p></div> <div class="color-stops-2"><p>to top right, yellow, <br>green 70%, <br>blue</p></div></section></body></html>body { padding: 1.25em; /* 20px/16px, so 20px on each side */ font-size: 100%;}div { float: left; height: 150px; margin: 10px; width: 150px;}p { color: #fff; font: bold 1.25em/1 sans-serif; /* 20px/16px */ padding-top: 1.65em; /* 33px/16px */ text-align: center;}/* NOTE: The gradients below are in the standard CSS3 syntax. The browsers that support them are Chrome 26+, Firefox 16+, IE 10+, and Opera 12.10+. See gradients-with-browser-prefixes.css for the same gradient effects, but with the vendor prefix code also included so the gradients will work on several older browsers.A background with a "fallback" comment is the color that will show in browsers that don't support the gradient syntax. You can use a backgroundimage as a fallback as well (either on its own or in combination with a color).For example, background: red url(gradient-image.jpg) no-repeat;. *//* LINEAR GRADIENTS------------------------------------------ *//* :::: Vertical :::: */.vertical-down { background: silver; /* fallback */ /* default gradient, so you don't need to specify "to bottom" before the colors */ background: linear-gradient(silver, black);}.vertical-up { background: silver; background: linear-gradient(to top, silver, black);}/* :::: Horizontal :::: */.horizontal-rt { background: silver; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to right, silver, black);}.horizontal-lt { background: silver; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to left, silver, black);}/* :::: Diagonal Angles :::: *//* Note: The figures on page 377 show aqua as the fallback color, but I've switched itto navy below because the white text will be easier to read on a navy background. */.angle-bot-rt { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, aqua, navy);}.angle-bot-lt { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, aqua, navy);}.angle-top-rt { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to top right, aqua, navy);}.angle-top-lt { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to top left, aqua, navy);}/* :::: Angles via Degrees :::: */.angle-120deg { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(120deg, aqua, navy);}.angle-290deg { background: navy; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(290deg, aqua, navy);}/* RADIAL GRADIENTS------------------------------------------ *//* :::: Radial :::: */.radial p { text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000;}.radial-center { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(yellow, red); /* default */}.radial-top { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(at top, yellow, red);}.radial-size-1 { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(100px 50px, yellow, red);}.radial-size-2 { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(70% 90% at bottom left, yellow, red);}.radial-various-1 { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(closest-side at 70px 60px, yellow, lime, red);}.radial-various-2 { background: red; /* fallback */ background: radial-gradient(30px 30px at 65% 70%, yellow, lime, red);}/* LINEAR GRADIENTS WITH COLOR STOPS------------------------------------------ */.color-stops div { margin-bottom: 30px;}.color-stops p { padding-top: 25px; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000;}.color-stops-2 p { font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.05;}.color-stops-1 { background: green; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(yellow 10%, green);}.color-stops-2 { background: green; /* fallback */ background: linear-gradient(to top right, yellow, green 70%, blue);}


  输入background: color或者background-color: color,这里的color可以是十六进制数、RGB值以及其他任何支持的颜色名称,另外也可以使用图像。最好不要将RGBA、HSL或HSLA值作为备用背景颜色(如果你不打算支持IE则不必在意),因为IE8及以前的版本不支持。


输入background: linear-gradient(。如果希望渐变方向是从上向下(默认方向),则可以跳过这一步。输入方向后面加一个逗号,方向指to topto rightto bottom rightto top right等这样的值。或者输入方向后面加一个逗号,这里的方向指的是角度值(如45deg107deg等)。根据后面讲到的“指定颜色”等,定义渐变颜色。输入);完成渐变。


输入background: radial-gradient(。指定渐变的形状。希望指定尺寸则可根据第三步中指定的尺寸自行确定。否则输入circleellipse。指定渐变的尺寸。如果希望尺寸为自动指定的值(默认值为·farthest-corner·,最远的角),则跳过这一步。否则输入代表渐变宽度和高度的一个长度值(如200px7em)或代表宽度和高度的一对值(390px 175px60% 85%)。注意,如果只使用一个值,则这个值不能是百分数。或者输入closest-sidefarthest-sideclosest-cornerfarthest-corner。这些关键字代表相对于渐变的中心,渐变可以伸展到多大的空间。边界决定了渐变的尺寸。指定渐变的位置。希望渐变的位置从元素的中心开始(默认值)则可跳过这一步。输入at topat rightat bottom leftat top right等表示渐变中心位置的值。或者输入表示渐变中心位置的一对坐标,并以at开头,例如at 200px 43pxat 30% 40%at 50% -10px等。定义渐变颜色。输入);完成渐变。

指定颜色   输入至少两种颜色,每种颜色之间用逗号分隔。指定的第一个颜色出现在渐变的开始位置,最后一个出现的颜色出现在渐变的结束位置。对于径向渐变,它们分别为最里边的颜色和最外边的颜色。


  使用opacity属性可以修改元素的透明度。方法是输入opacity: x,这里的x表示元素元素的不透明程度(两位小数,不带单位)。   opacity的默认值为1(完全不透明),范围为0~1。   通过使用opacity属性和:hover伪属性,可以产生一些有趣且实用的效果。例如img { opacity: .75; }默认情况下可以将图片设置为75%的不透明度,img:hover { opacity: 1; }可导致用户鼠标停留在元素上时元素变为不透明。在将缩略图链接到全尺寸版本时经常看到这种效果。对于访问者来说,悬浮可增强图像的动感。   opacity属性与使用RGBA或HSLA设置的透明背景色是两个容易混淆的概念。opacity影响的是整个元素(包括其内容),而background-color: rgba(128,0,64,.6);这样的设置仅影响背景的透明度。



...<p>This area is one of the most tranquil spaces at the Villa. As I wandered around, enjoying shade provided by sycamore and laurel trees and serenaded by splashing water from two sculptural fountains, I couldn't help but think &hellip; <a href="victoria.html" class="more">Read More</a></p>.../* The generated content */.more:after { content: " »";}




.documents li { margin-top: .45em;}/* Each link in the HTML has this class */.icon { display: inline-block; line-height: 1.1; font-size: .875em; min-height: 16px; /* set to height of icon so it isn't cut off at all */ padding-left: 23px; padding-top: 2px; /* allows positioning the icon absolutely relative to elements with class="icon" in the HTML */ position: relative;}.icon:before { background-image: url(../img/sprite.png); content: " "; display: block; height: 16px; /* icon height */ left: 0; /* default. change this if want the icon to appear in different spot */ position: absolute; width: 16px; /* icon width */ top: 0; /* default. change this if want the icon to appear in different spot */}/* Shift position of sprite image for any document filename that ends with .xls */a[href$=".xls"]:before { background-position: -17px 0;}/* Shift position of sprite image for any document filename that ends with .docx */a[href$=".docx"]:before { background-position: -34px 0;}

  可以将sprite应用于任意数量的元素。在上面这个例子中,使用.icon:before来实现所需的效果。这样sprite就是通过content: " ";生成的空格的背景图像。将其设置为display: block;,从而就可以设置与图标大小匹配的高度和宽度。没有这三个属性,图像将不会显示。通过使用background-position,可以将正确的图标放入该位置。

HTML and CSS 读书笔记

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