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2024-04-27 14:10:06


大家都知道在cocos2d-x 底层是C++编写的,那么就有类的概念和继承机制。




var baselayer = cc.Layer.extend({    ctor:function(){        this._super();        cc.log("baselayer ctor read");    },    init:function(){        this._super();        cc.log("baselayer init read");    }});

我们申明了baseLayer对象 ,并且利用cc.Layer.extend,继承了CClayer。


ClassManager.compileSuper.ClassManager = ClassManager;/* Managed javaScript Inheritance * Based on John Resig's Simple Javascript Inheritance http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/ * MIT Licensed. * 在这里申明了,实现JS继承的方式 是参考了 John Resig's  的一个例子来实现的;并且有原文地址,有兴趣的同学可以去看看原版实现方式 */(function () {    var fnTest = //b_super/b/;    var config = cc.game.config;    var releaseMode = config[cc.game.CONFIG_KEY.classReleaseMode];    if(releaseMode) {        console.log("release Mode");    }    /**     * The base Class implementation (does nothing)     * @class     */    cc.Class = function () {    };    /**     * Create a new Class that inherits from this Class     * @static     * @param {object} PRops     * @return {function}     */    cc.Class.extend = function (props) {        //声明_super对象,并赋值为原型        var _super = this.prototype;        // Instantiate a base Class (but only create the instance,        // don't run the init constructor)        //实例化创建prototype这个基类,只是创建实例,并没有跑init构造函数        var prototype = Object.create(_super);        //给这个class复制ID标识,并且将_super对象添加到ClassManager类管理器中        var classId = ClassManager.getNewID();        ClassManager[classId] = _super;        // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype. We make function        // properties non-eumerable as this makes typeof === 'function' check        // unneccessary in the for...in loop used 1) for generating Class()        // 2) for cc.clone and perhaps more. It is also required to make        // these function properties cacheable in Carakan.        //进行函数的验证检测,以及设置他使用基本设置        var desc = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true };        //单例模式的基础申明        prototype.__instanceId = null;        // The dummy Class constructor        //创建Class这个类        function Class() {            this.__instanceId = ClassManager.getNewInstanceId();            // All construction is actually done in the init method            //如果这个类他存在.ctor方法,那么就默认的使用执行这个方法            //ctor在JS中就相当于构造函数            if (this.ctor)                this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);        }        //给ID复制        Class.id = classId;        // desc = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true,        //          value: XXX }; Again, we make this non-enumerable.        desc.value = classId;        Object.defineProperty(prototype, '__pid', desc);        // Populate our constructed prototype object        //把我们原型对象赋值        Class.prototype = prototype;        // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect        //将整个类赋值给desc.value        desc.value = Class;        //并且将类里构造的对象赋值        Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, 'constructor', desc);        // Copy getter/setter        //模拟get/set的方式,使用cc.clone函数来拷贝        this.__getters__ && (Class.__getters__ = cc.clone(this.__getters__));        this.__setters__ && (Class.__setters__ = cc.clone(this.__setters__));        for(var idx = 0, li = arguments.length; idx < li; ++idx) {            var prop = arguments[idx];            for (var name in prop) {                var isFunc = (typeof prop[name] === "function");                var override = (typeof _super[name] === "function");                var hasSuperCall = fnTest.test(prop[name]);                if (releaseMode && isFunc && override && hasSuperCall) {                    desc.value = ClassManager.compileSuper(prop[name], name, classId);                    Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);                } else if (isFunc && override && hasSuperCall) {                    desc.value = (function (name, fn) {                        return function () {                            var tmp = this._super;                            // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method                            // but on the super-Class                            //如果在新的对象方法里面添加._super(),他会继承父类的_super方法                            //并且实现方法里面的所有对象及方法的赋值                            this._super = _super[name];                            // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we                            // remove it when we're done executing                            var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);                            this._super = tmp;                            return ret;                        };                    })(name, prop[name]);                    Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);                } else if (isFunc) {                    desc.value = prop[name];                    Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);                } else {                    prototype[name] = prop[name];                }                if (isFunc) {                    // Override registered getter/setter                    //如果是方法,那么重载里面的属性,并且实现get,set方法可以直接使用                    var getter, setter, propertyName;                    if (this.__getters__ && this.__getters__[name]) {                        propertyName = this.__getters__[name];                        for (var i in this.__setters__) {                            if (this.__setters__[i] === propertyName) {                                setter = i;                                break;                            }                        }                        cc.defineGetterSetter(prototype, propertyName, prop[name], prop[setter] ? prop[setter] : prototype[setter], name, setter);                    }                    if (this.__setters__ && this.__setters__[name]) {                        propertyName = this.__setters__[name];                        for (var i in this.__getters__) {                            if (this.__getters__[i] === propertyName) {                                getter = i;                                break;                            }                        }                        cc.defineGetterSetter(prototype, propertyName, prop[getter] ? prop[getter] : prototype[getter], prop[name], getter, name);                    }                }            }        }        // And make this Class extendable        // 可以使用Class.extend来实现类的继承        Class.extend = cc.Class.extend;        //add implementation method        //添加要实现的方法        Class.implement = function (prop) {            for (var name in prop) {                prototype[name] = prop[name];            }        };        return Class;    };})();
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        // The dummy Class constructor        //创建Class这个类        function Class() {            this.__instanceId = ClassManager.getNewInstanceId();            // All construction is actually done in the init method            //如果这个类他存在.ctor方法,那么就默认的使用执行这个方法            //ctor在JS中就相当于构造函数            if (this.ctor)                this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);        }    



                desc.value = (function (name, fn) {                        return function () {                            var tmp = this._super;                            // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method                            // but on the super-Class                            //如果在新的对象方法里面添加._super(),他会继承父类的_s
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