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2024-04-27 14:09:36






<section class="section--white" style="margin-top: 40px;">    <div class="tile-container">        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-1"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-2"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-3"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-4"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-5" style="width: 16.666%"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-3"></div>        <div class="tile" data-cta-target=".js-modal-5" style="width: 16.666%"></div>    </div></section>    <section class="section--white">    <p>Opening modals on button clicks</p>    <div class="btn" data-cta-target=".js-dialog" style="background: #4A90E2">Click for awesomeness</div></section>    <section class="section--white">    <p>Opening sidebars</p>    <div class="btn" data-cta-target=".js-sidebar">Open the Sidebar</div></section>    <section class="section--white">     <script src="http://www.w2bc.com/scripts/2bc/_gg_980_90.js" type="text/javascript"></script></section>    <div class="js-modal-1  modal  modal--1">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h1>            Visual Continuity</h1>        <div class="quote-box">            <div class="quote-box__bubble">                Transitioning between two visual states should be clear, smooth and effortless and                not confuse the user. A well-designed transition does the heavy lifting and enables                the user to clearly understand where their attention should be focused.</div>        </div>    </div>    <div class="js-modal-2  modal  modal--2">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h1>            Share it if you like it</h1>    </div>    <div class="js-modal-3  modal  modal--3">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h1>            Customary cat!</h1>        <img src="img/cat.jpg" width="300" alt="">        <p>            You found me :)</p>    </div>    <div class="js-modal-4  modal  modal--4">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h1>            Hierarchical timing</h1>        <div class="quote-box">            <div class="quote-box__bubble">                When building a transition, consider the order and timing of the elements' movement.                Ensure that motion supports the information hierarchy, conveying what content is                most important by creating a path for the eye to follow.</div>        </div>    </div>    <div class="js-modal-5  modal  modal--5">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h1>            Consistent choreography</h1>        <div class="quote-box">            <div class="quote-box__bubble">                A well-choreographed app also PRovides teachable moments. When transitioning elements                are coordinated, the user's understanding of the app grows. They "get" the app;                they don't feel disoriented by the animation.</div>        </div>    </div>    <div class="js-dialog  modal  dialog" style="text-align: center;">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <h3>            Do you think this is Awesome?</h3>        <br>        <a onclick="closeShowingModal(true); return;" class="btn  btn--blue">Yes</a> <a onclick="closeShowingModal(false); return;"            class="btn  btn--blue">No</a>    </div>    <div class="js-sidebar  modal sidebar">        <span class="modal-close-btn"></span>        <div class="sidebar__block" style="height: 20%">        </div>        <div class="sidebar__block" style="height: 40%">        </div>        <div class="sidebar__block" style="height: 10%">        </div>    </div>


  var closeFn;        function closeShowingModal(liked) {            if (liked !== undefined) {                _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ctajs', liked ? 'liked' : 'unliked']);            }            var showingModal = document.querySelector('.modal.show');            if (!showingModal) return;            showingModal.classList.remove('show');            document.body.classList.remove('disable-mouse');            if (closeFn) {                closeFn();                closeFn = null;            }        }        document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {            var target = e.target;            if (target.dataset.ctaTarget) {                _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ctajs', 'modal']);                closeFn = cta(target, document.querySelector(target.dataset.ctaTarget), { relativeToWindow: true }, function showModal(modal) {                    modal.classList.add('show');                    document.body.classList.add('disable-mouse');                });            }            else if (target.classList.contains('modal-close-btn')) {                closeShowingModal();            }        });        document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {            if (e.which === 27) {                closeShowingModal();            }        })        var _gaq = _gaq || [];


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