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A Wipe Transition for the Incoming Slide</title><script language="javaScript" type="text/Javascript">// This array holds all of the document's DHTML-able objectsvar dhtml_objects = new Array()// This function creates the custom objects that serve as cross-browser front-endsfunction create_object_array() {// All the <div> and <span> tags are stored in these variablesvar div_tagsvar span_tagsvar CSS_tags// Is the browser W3C DOM compliant?if (document.getElementById) {// If so, use getElementsByTagName() to get the <div> tagsdiv_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("div")// Loop through the <div> tagsfor (var counter = 0; counter < div_tags.length; counter++) {// Store the current objectcurrent_object = div_tags[counter]// Store how the browser accesses stylesobject_css = current_object.style// Store the object's idobject_id = current_object.id// Only store those tags that have an idif (object_id) {// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objectsdhtml_objects[object_id] = new 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width and height of the object's clip regionif (dhtml_objects['viewer1'].get_clip_width() > 0 && dhtml_objects['viewer1'].get_clip_height() > 0) { // If both are still positive, keep wipingvar top_resize = 0var right_resize = 0var bottom_resize = 0var left_resize = 0// Get the horizontal adjustmentsif (viewer_data.h_direction == "left") {right_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "right") {left_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "both") {left_resize = viewer_data.scrollamountright_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}// Get the vertical adjustmentsif (viewer_data.v_direction == "down") {top_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "up") {bottom_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "both") {bottom_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamounttop_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}// Adjust the clip regiondhtml_objects['viewer1'].resize_clip_by(top_resize, right_resize, bottom_resize, left_resize)// Set a new timeouttimeout_id = setTimeout("wipe_out()", viewer_data.scrolldelay)}else {// Clear the timeoutclearTimeout(timeout_id)// The pending slide is now the current slidecurrent_slide = pending_slide// Prepare the incoming slideprepare_next_slide()}}function stop_it() {// Shut down the viewer by clearing the current timeoutclearTimeout(timeout_id)// Clear the scrolling flagscrolling = false// update the controlswrite_controls()}function prepare_next_slide() {// select a random wipe transitionviewer_data.transition = "wipe"viewer_data.h_direction = h_directions[Math.floor(h_directions.length * Math.random())]viewer_data.v_direction = v_directions[Math.floor(v_directions.length * Math.random())]var top_clip_start = 0var right_clip_start = viewer_data.widthvar bottom_clip_start = viewer_data.heightvar left_clip_start = 0// Get the horizontal adjustmentsif (viewer_data.h_direction == "left") {left_clip_start = viewer_data.width}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "right") {right_clip_start = 0}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "both") {left_clip_start = Math.floor(viewer_data.width / 2)right_clip_start = Math.floor(viewer_data.width / 2)}// Get the vertical adjustmentsif (viewer_data.v_direction == "down") {bottom_clip_start = 0}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "up") {top_clip_start = viewer_data.height}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "both") {bottom_clip_start = Math.floor(viewer_data.height / 2)top_clip_start = Math.floor(viewer_data.height / 2)}// Add the imagedhtml_objects['viewer2'].set_html('<img src="' + slides[current_slide].src + '">')// Make the object visibledhtml_objects['viewer2'].set_visibility("visible")// Resize itdhtml_objects['viewer2'].resize_clip_to(top_clip_start, right_clip_start, bottom_clip_start, left_clip_start)// Do the wipe transitionwipe_in()}function wipe_in() {// Compare the clip width and height with the object width and heightif (dhtml_objects['viewer2'].get_clip_width() < viewer_data.width || dhtml_objects['viewer2'].get_clip_height() < viewer_data.height) { // If either one is less, keep wipingvar top_resize = 0var right_resize = 0var bottom_resize = 0var left_resize = 0// Get the horizontal adjustmentsif (viewer_data.h_direction == "left") {left_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "right") {right_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.h_direction == "both") {left_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamountright_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}// Get the vertical adjustmentsif (viewer_data.v_direction == "down") {bottom_resize = viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "up") {top_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}else if (viewer_data.v_direction == "both") {bottom_resize = viewer_data.scrollamounttop_resize = -viewer_data.scrollamount}// Adjust the clip regiondhtml_objects['viewer2'].resize_clip_by(top_resize, right_resize, bottom_resize, left_resize)// Set a new timeouttimeout_id = setTimeout("wipe_in()", viewer_data.scrolldelay)}else {stop_it()}}function write_controls() {// Write the slide numberif (scrolling) {slide_text = "Loading the next slide...<p>"}else {slide_text = "Slide #" + eval(current_slide + 1) + "—" + slides[current_slide].caption + "<p>"}if (current_slide == 0 || scrolling) {previous_control = "Previous"}else {previous_control = '<a href="javascript:previous_slide()">Previous</a>'}if (current_slide == slides.length - 1 || scrolling) {next_control = "Next"}else {next_control = '<a href="javascript:next_slide()">Next</a>'}dhtml_objects["controls"].set_html(slide_text + previous_control + " " + next_control)}//--></script></head><body onLoad="initialize()"><!--IE needs to have the positioning inside the tag --><div id="viewer1" style="position:absolute; left:10; top:0"><img src="http://www.mcfedries.com/graphics/fiesole1.jpg"></div><div id="viewer2" style="position:absolute; left:10; top:0"></div><div id="controls" style="position:absolute; left:10; top:325; width: 525; text-align: center; font-weight:bold"></div></div></body></html>
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