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2020-10-29 19:37:44

使用 UTF-8 作为源文件编码。

    每个缩进级别使用两个 spaces (又名软 tabs). 不要硬 tabs

  # bad - four spaces  def some_method    do_something  end  # good  def some_method   do_something  end

    使用 Unix-风格 换行符。(*BSD/Solaris/Linux/OSX 用户被为默认涵盖,Windows 用户必须特别小心.)

  •         /n是换行,英文是LineFeed,ASCII码是0xA。
  •         /r是回车,英文是Carriage Return ,ASCII码是0xD。
  •         windows下enter是 /n/r,unix下是/n,mac下是/r

        如果你正在使用 Git 你可能会想要添加下面的配置设置来保护你的项目(避免)Windows 蔓延过来的换行符:


  $ git config --global core.autocrlf true

    不用使用 ; 来分割语句和表达式。以此推论 - 一行使用一个表达式


 # bad  puts 'foobar'; # superfluous semicolon  puts 'foo'; puts 'bar' # two expression on the same line  # good  puts 'foobar'  puts 'foo'  puts 'bar'  puts 'foo', 'bar' # this applies to puts in particular



 # bad  class FooError < StandardError  end  # okish  class FooError < StandardError; end  # good  FooError = Class.new(StandardError)

    无论如何 - 应该一行不超过一个单行方法.


# bad  def too_much; something; something_else; end  # okish - notice that the first ; is required  def no_braces_method; body end  # okish - notice that the second ; is optional  def no_braces_method; body; end  # okish - valid syntax, but no ; make it kind of hard to read  def some_method() body end  # good  def some_method   body  end


  # good  def no_op; end

    操作符旁的空格,在逗号,冒号和分号后;在 { 旁和在 } 之前,大多数空格可能对 Ruby 解释(代码)无关,但是它的恰当使用是让代码变得易读的关键。

  sum = 1 + 2  a, b = 1, 2  1 > 2 ? true : false; puts 'Hi'  [1, 2, 3].each { |e| puts e }


  # bad  e = M * c ** 2  # good  e = M * c**2

    { 和 } 值得额外的澄清,自从它们被用于 块 和 hash 字面量,以及以表达式的形式嵌入字符串。
    对于 hash 字面量两种风格是可以接受的。

  # good - space after { and before }  { one: 1, two: 2 }  # good - no space after { and before }  {one: 1, two: 2}

    第一种稍微更具可读性(并且争议的是一般在 Ruby 社区里面更受欢迎)。
    第二种可以增加了 块 和 hash 可视化的差异。
    无论你选哪一种都行 - 但是最好保持一致。


  # good - no spaces  "string#{expr}"  # ok - arguably more readable  "string#{ expr }"

    如同 hash - 选取一个风格并且保持一致。

    没有空格 (, [之后或者 ], )之前。


  some(arg).other  [1, 2, 3].length  ! 之后没有空格 .  # bad  ! something  # good  !something

    when和case 缩进深度一致。我知道很多人会不同意这点,但是它是"The Ruby Programming Language" 和 "Programming Ruby"中公认的风格。


# bad  case   when song.name == 'Misty'    puts 'Not again!'   when song.duration > 120    puts 'Too long!'   when Time.now.hour > 21    puts "It's too late"   else    song.play  end  # good  case  when song.name == 'Misty'   puts 'Not again!'  when song.duration > 120   puts 'Too long!'  when Time.now.hour > 21   puts "It's too late"  else   song.play  end  case  when song.name == 'Misty'   puts 'Not again!'  when song.duraton > 120   puts 'Too long!'  when Time.now > 21   puts "It's too late"  else   song.play  end



  # bad - pretty convoluted  kind = case year  when 1850..1889 then 'Blues'  when 1890..1909 then 'Ragtime'  when 1910..1929 then 'New Orleans Jazz'  when 1930..1939 then 'Swing'  when 1940..1950 then 'Bebop'  else 'Jazz'  end  result = if some_cond   calc_something  else   calc_something_else  end  # good - it's apparent what's going on  kind = case year      when 1850..1889 then 'Blues'      when 1890..1909 then 'Ragtime'      when 1910..1929 then 'New Orleans Jazz'      when 1930..1939 then 'Swing'      when 1940..1950 then 'Bebop'      else 'Jazz'      end  result = if some_cond        calc_something       else        calc_something_else       end  # good (and a bit more width efficient)  kind =   case year   when 1850..1889 then 'Blues'   when 1890..1909 then 'Ragtime'   when 1910..1929 then 'New Orleans Jazz'   when 1930..1939 then 'Swing'   when 1940..1950 then 'Bebop'   else 'Jazz'   end  result =   if some_cond    calc_something   else    calc_something_else   end



 def some_method   data = initialize(options)   data.manipulate!   data.result  end  def some_methods   result  end



 # bad - easier to move/add/remove parameters, but still not preferred  some_method(         size,         count,         color,        )  # bad  some_method(size, count, color, )  # good  some_method(size, count, color)

    当给方法的参数赋默认值时,在 = 两边使用空格:


 # bad  def some_method(arg1=:default, arg2=nil, arg3=[])   # do something...  end  # good  def some_method(arg1 = :default, arg2 = nil, arg3 = [])   # do something...  end

    虽然几本 Ruby 书建议用第一个风格,不过第二个风格在实践中更为常见(并可争议地可读性更高一点)。

    避免在不需要的时候使用行继续符 / 。实践中,
    除非用于连接字符串, 否则避免在任何情况下使用行继续符。


  # bad  result = 1 - /       2  # good (but still ugly as hell)  result = 1 /       - 2  long_string = 'First part of the long string' /         ' and second part of the long string'

    采用连贯的多行方法链式风格。在 Ruby 社区有两种受欢迎的风格,它们都被认为很好
    - . 开头(选项 A) 和 尾随 . (选项 B) 。

        (选项 A) 当一个链式方法调用需要在另一行继续时,将 . 放在第二行。


# bad - need to consult first line to understand second line    one.two.three.     four    # good - it's immediately clear what's going on the second line    one.two.three     .four

        (选项 B) 当在另一行继续一个链式方法调用,将 . 放在第一行来识别要继续的表达式。


  # bad - need to read ahead to the second line to know that the chain continues    one.two.three     .four    # good - it's immediately clear that the expression continues beyond the first line    one.two.three.     four




 # starting point (line is too long)  def send_mail(source)   Mailer.deliver(to: 'bob@example.com', from: 'us@example.com', subject: 'Important message', body: source.text)  end  # bad (double indent)  def send_mail(source)   Mailer.deliver(     to: 'bob@example.com',     from: 'us@example.com',     subject: 'Important message',     body: source.text)  end  # good  def send_mail(source)   Mailer.deliver(to: 'bob@example.com',           from: 'us@example.com',           subject: 'Important message',           body: source.text)  end  # good (normal indent)  def send_mail(source)   Mailer.deliver(    to: 'bob@example.com',    from: 'us@example.com',    subject: 'Important message',    body: source.text   )  end

    对齐多行跨度的 array literals 的元素。


 # bad - single indent  menu_item = ['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam',   'Baked beans', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam']  # good  menu_item = [   'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam',   'Baked beans', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam'  ]  # good  menu_item =   ['Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam',    'Baked beans', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam', 'Spam']


  # bad - how many 0s are there?  num = 1000000  # good - much easier to parse for the human brain  num = 1_000_000

    使用 RDoc 以及它的惯例来撰写 API 文档。注解区块及 def 不要用空行隔开。

    每一行限制在 80 个字符内。


    不要使用区块注释。它们不能由空白引导(=begin 必须顶头开始),并且不如普通注释容易辨认。


  # bad  == begin  comment line  another comment line  == end  # good  # comment line  # another comment line

    在 API 文档中使用 RDoc和它的公约。不要在注释代码块和def之间加入空行。



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