#用法: CScript scan.vbs [扫描路径] [结果HTM文件路径]
#例子: CScript scan.vbs d:/Web f:/my/report.html
复制代码 代码如下:
'Scan ASP WebShell in vbs
'Author: lake2 (http://lake2.0x54.org)
'Date: 2006-11-30
'Version: 1.0 Beta
DimFileExt = "asp,cer,asa,cdx"
Dim Report, Report2, Sun, SumFiles, SumFolders
Call ShowInfo()
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then
Call CheckArg()
Sun = 0
SumFiles = 0
SumFolders = 1
If Right(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),1) = "/" Then
thePath = Mid(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),1,Len(WScript.Arguments.Item(0))-1)
thePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
End If
WScript.Echo "开始扫描,请稍候……"
StartTime = now()
Call ShowAllFile(thePath)
EndTime = now()
WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "扫描完成!" & vbcrlf
report2 = report2 & "<html><head><title>雷客图 ASP 站长安全助手vbs版扫描报告</title>"
report2 = report2 & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=gb2312""></head>"
report2 = report2 & "<body><b><font size=4>雷客图 ASP 站长安全助手vbs版扫描报告</font></b><br><br>"
report2 = report2 & "<body><font size=2>开始时间:"&StartTime&"</font><br>"
report2 = report2 & "<body><font size=2>结束时间:"&EndTime&"</font><br>"
report2 = report2 & "<font size=2>扫描完毕!一共检查文件夹<font color=""#FF0000"">"&SumFolders&"</font>个,文件<font color=""#FF0000"">"&SumFiles&"</font>个,发现可疑点<font color=""#FF0000"">"&Sun&"</font>个(<font color=""#FF0000"">红字</font>显示的为严重可疑)</font><br/>"
report2 = report2 & "<table width=""100%"" border=""0"" style=""padding:5px;line-height:170%;clear:both;font-size:12px;word-break:break-all"">"
report2 = report2 & "<tr>"
report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">文件路径</td>"
report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">特征码</td>"
report2 = report2 & "<td width=""40%"">描述</td>"
report2 = report2 & "<td width=""20%"">创建/修改时间</td>"
report2 = report2 & "</tr>"
report2 = report2 & "<p>"
report2 = report2 & report
report2 = report2 & "</p>"
report2 = report2 & "</table><hr><script src=http://www.0x54.org/announce.js></script>"
report2 = report2 & "<div align=center>powered by <a href=""http://www.0x54.org"" target=_blank>0x54.org</a></div>"
report2 = report2 & "</body></html>"
Call WriteToFile()
Call ShowHelp()
End If
Sub ShowInfo()
HelpStr = HelpStr & "==============================" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "===== 欢迎使用雷客图 ASP 站长安全助手vbs版 =====" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "===== Author: lake2 =====" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "===== Email:lake2@mail.csdn.net =====" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "===== 欢迎访问 www.0x54.org 得到更多信息 =====" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "==============================" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & vbcrlf
WScript.Echo HelpStr
End Sub
Sub ShowHelp()
HelpStr = HelpStr & "#用法: CScript scan.vbs [扫描路径] [结果HTM文件路径]" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & "#例子: CScript scan.vbs d:/Web f:/my/report.html" & vbcrlf
HelpStr = HelpStr & vbcrlf
WScript.Echo HelpStr
End Sub
Sub CheckArg()
tmpPath = Left(WScript.Arguments.Item(1), InStrRev(WScript.Arguments.Item(1),"/")-1)
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) Then
WScript.Echo "Error:错误的路径“" & WScript.Arguments.Item(0) & "”!"
ElseIf Not objFSO.FolderExists(tmpPath) Then
WScript.Echo "Error:错误的文件路径“" & tmpPath & "”!"
End If
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowAllFile(Path)
WScript.Echo "正在检查目录" & path
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = FSO.GetFolder(Path)
Set fc2 = f.files
For Each myfile in fc2
If CheckExt(FSO.GetExtensionName(path&"/"&myfile.name)) Then
'WScript.Echo "正在检查文件" & path&"/"&myfile.name
Call ScanFile(Path&Temp&"/"&myfile.name, "")
SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
End If
Set fc = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 in fc
ShowAllFile path&"/"&f1.name
SumFolders = SumFolders + 1
Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub
Function CheckExt(FileExt)
If DimFileExt = "*" Then CheckExt = True
Ext = Split(DimFileExt,",")
For i = 0 To Ubound(Ext)
If Lcase(FileExt) = Ext(i) Then
CheckExt = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Sub ScanFile(FilePath, InFile)
If InFile <> "" Then
Infiles = "<font color=red>该文件被"& InFile & "文件包含执行</font>"
End If
temp = FilePath
On Error Resume Next
Set tStream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
tStream.type = 1
tStream.mode = 3
tStream.LoadFromFile FilePath
If err Then Exit Sub end if
tStream.type = 2
tStream.charset = "GB2312"
Do Until tStream.EOS
filetxt = filetxt & LCase(replace(tStream.ReadText(102400), Chr(0), ""))
Set tStream = Nothing
Set FSOs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if len(filetxt) >0 then
filetxt = vbcrlf & filetxt
'Check "WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell"
If Instr( filetxt, Lcase("WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase("clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8") ) then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell 或者 clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被ASP木马利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End if
'Check "She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application"
If Instr( filetxt, Lcase("She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase("clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000") ) then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application 或者 clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000</td><td><font color=red>危险组件,一般被ASP木马利用</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check Unicode
If instr( filetxt, chr(-22048)) then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>无</td><td><font color=red>使用 Unicode 编码 ASP 代码</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .Encode
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
regEx.Pattern = "/bLANGUAGE/s*=/s*[""]?/s*(vbscript|jscript|javascript).encode/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>(vbscript|jscript|javascript).Encode</td><td><font color=red>似乎脚本被加密了,一般ASP文件是不会加密的</font>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check my ASP backdoor :(
regEx.Pattern = "/bEv"&"al/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Ev"&"al</td><td>e"&"val()函数可以执行任意ASP代码,被一些后门利用。其形式一般是:ev"&"al(X)<br>但是javascript代码中也可以使用,有可能是误报。"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check exe&cute backdoor
regEx.Pattern = "[^.]/bExe"&"cute/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Exec"&"ute</td><td><font color=red>e"&"xecute()函数可以执行任意ASP代码,被一些后门利用。其形式一般是:ex"&"ecute(X)</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .(Open|Create)TextFile
regEx.Pattern = "/.(Open|Create)TextFile/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Crea"&"teTextFile|.O"&"penTextFile</td><td>使用了FSO的CreateTextFile|OpenTextFile函数读写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .SaveT&oFile
regEx.Pattern = "/.SaveT"&"oFile/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Sa"&"veToFile</td><td>使用了Stream或者JMail的SaveToFile函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .&Save
regEx.Pattern = "/.Sa"&"ve/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Sa"&"ve</td><td>使用了XMLHTTP的Save函数写文件"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check set Server
regEx.Pattern = "set/s*.*/s*=/s*server/s"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Set xxx=Se"&"rver</td><td><font color=red>发现Set xxx=Ser" & jj & "ver,请管理员仔细检查是否调用.execute</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check Server.(Transfer|Ex&ecute)
regEx.Pattern = "Server.(Ex"&"ecute|Transfer)([ /t]*|/()[^""]/)"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>Server.Ex"&"ecute</td><td><font color=red>不能跟踪检查Server.e"&"xecute()函数执行的文件。请管理员自行检查</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .Ru&n
regEx.Pattern = "/.R"&"un/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Ru"&"n</td><td><font color=red>发现 WScript 的 Run 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .Exe&c
regEx.Pattern = "/.Ex"&"ec/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.Ex"&"ec</td><td><font color=red>发现 WScript 的 Exec 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
'Check .Shel&lExecute
regEx.Pattern = "/.Shel"&"lExecute/b"
If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then
Report = Report&"<tr><td>"&temp&"</td><td>.ShellE"&"xecute</td><td><font color=red>发现 Application 的 ShellExecute 函数</font><br>"&infiles&"</td><td>"&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"<br>"&GetDateModify(filepath)&"</td></tr>"
Sun = Sun + 1
End If
Set regEx = Nothing
'Check include file not with "&'
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
regEx.Pattern = "<!--/s*#include/s+(file|virtual)/s*=/s*.*-->"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
For Each Match in Matches
tFile = Replace(Trim(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, "=") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr(Match.Value, "=") - 1)),"/","/")
If Left(tFile, 1)="'" Then
tFile = Mid(tFile, 2, InStr(2, tFile, "'", 1) - 2)
ElseIf Left(tFile, 1)="""" Then
tFile = Mid(tFile, 2, InStr(2, tFile, """", 1) - 2)
tFile = Replace(tFile, Chr(9), " ")
If InStr(tFile, " ") <> 0 Then
tFile = Left(tFile, InStr( tFile, " ") - 1)
tFile = Left(tFile, InStr( tFile, "-") - 1)
End If
End If
If Not CheckExt(FSOs.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,"/"))&tFile, FilePath)
SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
End If
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
'Check Server&.Execute|Transfer
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
regEx.Pattern = "Server.(Exec"&"ute|Transfer)([ /t]*|/()"".*?"""
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(filetxt)
For Each Match in Matches
tFile = Replace(Mid(Match.Value, Instr(Match.Value, """") + 1, Len(Match.Value) - Instr(Match.Value, """") - 1),"/","/")
If Not CheckExt(FSOs.GetExtensionName(tFile)) Then
Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,"/"))&tFile, FilePath)
SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
End If
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
'Check RunatScript
Set XregEx = New RegExp
XregEx.IgnoreCase = True
XregEx.Global = True
XregEx.Pattern = "<scr"&"ipt/s*(.|/n)*?runat/s*=/s*""?server""?(.|/n)*?>"
Set XMatches = XregEx.Execute(filetxt)
For Each Match in XMatches
tmpLake2 = Mid(Match.Value, 1, InStr(Match.Value, ">"))
srcSeek = InStr(1, tmpLake2, "src", 1)
If srcSeek > 0 Then
srcSeek2 = instr(srcSeek, tmpLake2, "=")
For i = 1 To 50
tmp = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i, 1)
If tmp <> " " and tmp <> chr(9) and tmp <> vbCrLf Then
Exit For
End If
If tmp = """" Then
tmpName = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i + 1, Instr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, """") - srcSeek2 - i - 1)
If InStr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, " ") > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpLake2, srcSeek2 + i, Instr(srcSeek2 + i + 1, tmpLake2, " ") - srcSeek2 - i) Else tmpName = tmpLake2
If InStr(tmpName, chr(9)) > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, chr(9)) - 1)
If InStr(tmpName, vbCrLf) > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, vbcrlf) - 1)
If InStr(tmpName, ">") > 0 Then tmpName = Mid(tmpName, 1, Instr(1, tmpName, ">") - 1)
End If
Call ScanFile( Mid(FilePath,1,InStrRev(FilePath,"/"))&tmpName , FilePath)
SumFiles = SumFiles + 1
End If
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
end if
set fsos = nothing
End Sub
Function GetDateModify(filepath)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(filepath)
s = f.DateLastModified
set f = nothing
set fso = nothing
GetDateModify = s
End Function
Function GetDateCreate(filepath)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(filepath)
s = f.DateCreated
set f = nothing
set fso = nothing
GetDateCreate = s
End Function
Sub WriteToFile()
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set theFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(WScript.Arguments.Item(1), 2, True)
Set FSO = Nothing
WScript.Echo "扫描结果已经写入文件“"&WScript.Arguments.Item(1)&"”,请查看之!"
End Sub