On Error Resume Next if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11))="wscript.exe") then wscript.echo "Execute it under the cmd.exe Plz! Thx." wscript.quit end If
if Wscript.Arguments.count=0 Then usage() wscript.quit End If
Set Arg=Wscript.Arguments Sport= Split(arg(1),",") For i=0 To UBound(Split(arg(1),",")) wsh.echo "scan "&Sport(i)&" ing……" Set x=CreateObject("msxml2.serverXMLHTTP") x.open "post","http://"&arg(0)&":"&Sport(i) x.send("hello") wsh.echo Space(3)&"error.NuMbEr:"& ERr.NuMbEr & Space(5)&"ERr.Description:"&ERr.Description if ERr.NuMbEr=0 Or ERr.NuMbEr=-2147012866 Or ERr.NuMbEr=-2147012894 Or ERr.NuMbEr=-2147012744 Or ERr.NuMbEr=-2147467259 Then wsh.echo Space(3)&" The "&Sport(i)&" port is OPEN" End if next
function usage() wscript.echo "| 注意查看ERr.Description来判断端口开放,自动探测不一定准确 |" wscript.echo "| |" wscript.echo "|Useage: |" wscript.echo "| cscript.exe this.vbs ip port |" wscript.echo "|ex: |" wscript.echo "| cscript.exe this.vbs ip 80 or 80,123,445…… |" wscript.echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------+"&chr(10) end function