create proc p_sword_getblcolumn ( @tblName varchar(200), @fromIndex int, @toIndex int, @columnName varchar(3000) output ) as begin declare @tempColumn varchar(3000) declare @errMsg varchar(200) declare @i int set @i=1 set @columnName='' set @errMsg='' declare tempColumnCur cursor for select from syscolumns join sysobjects on = where =@tblName order by syscolumns.colorder open tempColumnCur fetch next from tempColumnCur into @tempColumn while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin if(@fromIndex=0 and @toIndex=0) begin set @columnName=@columnName+','+@tempColumn end if(@fromIndex=0 and @toIndex<>0) begin if(@i<=@toIndex) set @columnName=@columnName+','+@tempColumn end else if(@fromIndex <>0 and @toIndex=0) begin if(@i>=@fromIndex) set @columnName=@columnName+','+@tempColumn end else if(@i>=@fromIndex and @i<=@toIndex) begin set @columnName=@columnName+','+@tempColumn end set @i=@i+1 print @i fetch next from tempColumnCur into @tempColumn end close tempColumnCur deallocate tempColumnCur set @columnName=SUBSTRING(@columnName,2,len(@columnName)) print @columnName if(@@ERROR<>0) begin set @errMsg='get column error ' goto errorproc end else return 0 end errorproc: begin raiserror(@errMsg,16,1) return 1 end go