incd.exe is a background application from Ahead Nero CD/DVD writing software, which allows a user to write files to a CDR or DVR on-the-fly. This process is essential for writing InCD format CDs and should not be disabled whilst this function is in use. 中文参考: incd.exe是Ahead Nero CD/DVD刻录软件的一部分。用于帮助用户刻录文件到CDR或者DVDR光盘。 出品者:Ahead Software 属于:Ahead Nero 系统进程:No 后台程序:Yes 网络相关:No 常见错误:N/A 内存使用:N/A 安全等级 (0-5): 0 间谍软件:No 广告软件:No 病毒:No 木马:No