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2020-05-27 13:35:49

   还是起了原来的标题名称,今天在找内网Ubuntu系统更新的方案时,看到了网站上的一篇帖子,很是兴奋。可拿来一看却发现这个apt-proxy的东东已经不在ubuntu 12.04(LTS)的发布版本里了,看来这篇帖子又是有点跟不上潮流的那种。查了一下资料,目前发布版本中提供了approx。官方的描述如下:

  Approx is an HTTP-based proxy server for Debian-style package archives. It fetches files from remote repositories on demand, and caches them for local use.

  Approx saves time and network bandwidth if you need to install or upgrade .deb packages for a number of machines on a local network. Each package is downloaded from a remote site only once, regardless of how many local clients install it. The approx cache typically requires a few gigabytes of disk space.

  Approx also simplifies the administration of client machines: repository locations need only be changed in approxs configuration file, not in every clients /etc/apt/sources.list file.

  Approx can be used as a replacement for apt-proxy, with no need to modify clients /etc/apt/sources.list files, or as an alternative to apt-cacher.



  sudo apt-get install approx


  $ grep -E "^[^#]" sources.list | cut -d " " -f2 | uniq




  ubuntu http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

  ubuntu-extras http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

  ubuntu-partner http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu

  ubuntu-security http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart

  * Restarting internet superserver inetd [ OK ]



  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise main restricted

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise main restricted

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise universe

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise universe

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise multiverse

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise multiverse

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-updates multiverse

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security main restricted

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security main restricted

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security universe

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security universe

  deb http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security multiverse

  deb-src http://approx:9999/ubuntu precise-security multiverse

  其他地址就可以删除掉了。剩下的就是sudo apt-get update ~~~

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