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2020-04-11 11:32:08




import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /**  * 注意所有序号从1开始.  *  * @param <T> Page中记录的类型.  *  */ public class Page<T> {   //-- 公共变量 --//   public static final String ASC = "asc";   public static final String DESC = "desc";   //-- 分页参数 --//   protected int pageNo = 0;// 当前页号<跟取数据的方式有关系>   protected int pageSize = 1;// 每页显示的记录数   protected String orderBy = null;   protected String order = null;   protected boolean autoCount = true;   //-- 返回结果 --//   protected List<T> result = Collections.emptyList();   protected long totalCount = -1;// 总记录数   //-- 构造函数 --//   public Page() {   }   public Page(final int pageSize) {     setPageSize(pageSize);   }   public Page(final int pageSize, final boolean autoCount) {     setPageSize(pageSize);     setAutoCount(autoCount);   }   //-- 访问查询参数函数 --//   /**    * 获得当前页的页号,序号从0开始,默认为0.    */   public int getPageNo() {     return pageNo;   }   /**    * 设置当前页的页号,序号从0开始,低于0时自动调整为0.    */   public void setPageNo(final int pageNo) {     this.pageNo = pageNo;     if (pageNo < 0) {       this.pageNo = 0;     }   }   /**    * 获得每页的记录数量,默认为1.    */   public int getPageSize() {     return pageSize;   }   /**    * 设置每页的记录数量,低于0时自动调整为0.    */   public void setPageSize(final int pageSize) {     this.pageSize = pageSize;     if (pageSize < 0) {       this.pageSize = 0;     }   }   /**    * 根据pageNo和pageSize计算当前页第一条记录在总结果集中的位置,序号从0开始.    */   public int getFirst() {     return (pageNo * pageSize) + 1;   }   /**    * 获得排序字段,无默认值.多个排序字段时用','分隔.    */   public String getOrderBy() {     return orderBy;   }   /**    * 设置排序字段,多个排序字段时用','分隔.    */   public void setOrderBy(final String orderBy) {     this.orderBy = orderBy;   }   /**    * 获得排序方向.    */   public String getOrder() {     return order;   }   /**    * 设置排序方式.    *    * @param order 可选值为desc或asc    */   public void setOrder(String order) {     this.order = order;   }   /**    * 查询对象时是否自动另外执行count查询获取总记录数, 默认为false.    */   public boolean isAutoCount() {     return autoCount;   }   /**    * 查询对象时是否自动另外执行count查询获取总记录数.    */   public void setAutoCount(final boolean autoCount) {     this.autoCount = autoCount;   }   //-- 访问查询结果函数 --//   /**    * 取得页内的记录列表.    */   public List<T> getResult() {     return result;   }   /**    * 设置页内的记录列表.    */   public void setResult(final List<T> result) {     this.result = result;   }   /**    * 取得总记录数, 默认值为-1.    */   public long getTotalCount() {     return totalCount;   }   /**    * 设置总记录数.    */   public void setTotalCount(final long totalCount) {     this.totalCount = totalCount;   }   /**    * 根据pageSize与totalCount计算总页数, 默认值为-1.    */   public long getTotalPages() {     if (totalCount < 0)       return -1;     long count = totalCount / pageSize;     if (totalCount % pageSize > 0) {       count++;     }     return count;   }   /**    * 是否还有下一页.    */   public boolean isHasNext() {     return (pageNo + 1 < getTotalPages());   }   /**    * 取得下页的页号, 序号从0开始.    * 当前页为尾页时仍返回尾页序号.    */   public int getNextPage() {     if (isHasNext())       return pageNo + 1;     else       return pageNo;   }   /**    * 是否还有上一页.    */   public boolean isHasPre() {     return (pageNo - 1 >= 0);   }   /**    * 取得上页的页号, 序号从1开始.    * 当前页为首页时返回首页序号.    */   public int getPrePage() {     if (isHasPre())       return pageNo - 1;     else       return pageNo;   } }


public class Record {   private Integer rId;   private String fromUser;   private String toUser;   private String content;   private String rTime;   private Integer isReaded;   public Integer getrId() {     return rId;   }   public void setrId(Integer rId) {     this.rId = rId;   }   public String getFromUser() {     return fromUser;   }   public void setFromUser(String fromUser) {     this.fromUser = fromUser;   }   public String getToUser() {     return toUser;   }   public void setToUser(String toUser) {     this.toUser = toUser;   }   public String getContent() {     return content;   }   public void setContent(String content) {     this.content = content;   }   public String getrTime() {     return rTime;   }   public void setrTime(String rTime) {     this.rTime = rTime;   }   public Integer getIsReaded() {     return isReaded;   }   public void setIsReaded(Integer isReaded) {     this.isReaded = isReaded;   }}


public Page<Record> getRecordPage(Page<Record> page, String loginName,       String contactName) {     int pageSize = page.getPageSize();     int pageNo = page.getPageNo();     String sql = "select * from "         + ContactsManagerDbAdapter.TABLENAME_RECORD         + " where (fromUser = ? and toUser = ?) or (fromUser = ? and toUser = ?)"         + " Limit " + String.valueOf(pageSize) + " Offset "         + String.valueOf(pageNo * pageSize);     String[] selectionArgs = { loginName, contactName, contactName,         loginName };     Cursor cursor = mSQLiteDatabaseWritable.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs);     List<Record> result = new ArrayList<Record>();     for(cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()){       Record record = new Record();       record.setrId(cursor.getInt(0));       record.setFromUser(cursor.getString(1));       record.setToUser(cursor.getString(2));       record.setContent(cursor.getString(3));       record.setrTime(cursor.getString(4));       record.setIsReaded(cursor.getInt(5));       result.add(record);     }     page.setTotalCount(getRowCount(loginName, contactName));     page.setResult(result);     cursor.close();     return page; } /** * 总记录数 */ public int getRowCount(String loginName, String contactName){     String sql = "select * from "       + ContactsManagerDbAdapter.TABLENAME_RECORD       + " where (fromUser = ? and toUser = ?) or (fromUser = ? and toUser = ?)";     String[] selectionArgs = { loginName, contactName, contactName,        loginName };     Cursor cursor = mSQLiteDatabaseWritable.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs);     int count = cursor.getCount();     cursor.close();     return count; } 


public class ChatHistory extends Activity {   ListView historyView;   Button prevPageBtn;   Button nextPageBtn;   TextView historyPageTv;   Button backChatsHistoryBtn;   Button deleteHistoryBtn;   List<Record> historyRecordList;    Page<Record> page;   String loginName;   String contactName;   ChatHistoryService chatHistoryService;   ContactsManagerDbAdapter dbAdapter;   private BaseAdapter adapter;   private static final int STATUS_CHANGE = 0;   private Handler mHandler;   @Override   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     // TODO Auto-generated method stub     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);     setContentView(R.layout.chats_history);     historyView = (ListView) findViewById(android.R.id.list);     prevPageBtn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.chat_prev_page);     nextPageBtn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.chat_next_page);     historyPageTv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.history_page);     backChatsHistoryBtn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.back_chats_history);     deleteHistoryBtn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.delete_history);     SharedPreferences sharedata = ChatHistory.this.getSharedPreferences("data", 0);     loginName = sharedata.getString("loginName", "");     contactName = getIntent().getStringExtra("contactName");     dbAdapter = new ContactsManagerDbAdapter(getApplicationContext());     dbAdapter.open();     chatHistoryService = new ChatHistoryService(ChatHistory.this);    page = new Page<Record>();     page.setPageSize(8);     page = chatHistoryService.getHistoryPage(page, loginName, contactName, dbAdapter);     historyRecordList = page.getResult();     updateTextView();     prevPageBtn.setOnClickListener(prevPageButtonListener);     nextPageBtn.setOnClickListener(nextPageButtonListener);     backChatsHistoryBtn.setOnClickListener(backButtonListener);     deleteHistoryBtn.setOnClickListener(deleteHistoryButtonListener);     adapter = new HistoryListAdapter(ChatHistory.this);     historyView.setAdapter(adapter);     mHandler = new Handler(){         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {           switch(msg.what){           case STATUS_CHANGE:             // 处理UI更新等操作             updateUI();           }        };     };   }   private void updateUI() {     //详细的更新     adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();// 更新ListView     updateTextView();   }   /**    * 更新页码    */   private void updateTextView(){        if(historyRecordList.size() == 0){       historyPageTv.setText(0 + "/" + 0);     } else{       historyPageTv.setText(page.getPageNo() + 1 + "/" + page.getTotalPages());     }   }   public class HistoryListAdapter extends BaseAdapter{     private class RecentViewHolder {       TextView sender_context;       TextView rTime;     }     Context context;     LayoutInflater mInflater;     public HistoryListAdapter(Context context){       this.context = context;       mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);     }     @Override     public int getCount() {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       return historyRecordList.size();     }     @Override     public Object getItem(int position) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       return historyRecordList.get(position);     }     @Override     public long getItemId(int position) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       return position;     }     @Override     public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       RecentViewHolder holder;       if (convertView == null) {         convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.message_layout, null);         holder = new RecentViewHolder();         holder.sender_context = (TextView) convertView             .findViewById(R.id.message_view_sender_content);        holder.rTime = (TextView) convertView             .findViewById(R.id.message_view_timestamp);         convertView.setTag(holder);       } else {         holder = (RecentViewHolder) convertView.getTag();       }       Record record = historyRecordList.get(position);       if (record != null) {         holder.sender_context.setText(record.getFromUser() + ":" + record.getContent());         holder.rTime.setText(record.getrTime());       }       return convertView;     }   }   /**    * 上一页按钮的监听事件    */   OnClickListener prevPageButtonListener = new OnClickListener(){     @Override     public void onClick(View v) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       if(page.isHasPre()){         page.setPageNo(page.getPageNo() - 1);         historyRecordList = chatHistoryService.getHistoryPage(page, loginName, contactName, dbAdapter).getResult();         Message msg = new Message();         msg.what = STATUS_CHANGE;         mHandler.sendMessage(msg);// 向Handler发送消息,更新UI       }     }   };   /**    * 下一页按钮的监听事件    */   OnClickListener nextPageButtonListener = new OnClickListener(){     @Override     public void onClick(View v) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       if(page.isHasNext()){         page.setPageNo(page.getPageNo() + 1);         historyRecordList = chatHistoryService.getHistoryPage(page, loginName, contactName, dbAdapter).getResult();         Message msg = new Message();         msg.what = STATUS_CHANGE;         mHandler.sendMessage(msg);// 向Handler发送消息,更新UI       }     }   };   /**    * 删除历史记录按钮监听器    */   OnClickListener deleteHistoryButtonListener = new OnClickListener() {     @Override     public void onClick(View v) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub          }   };   /** 退出聊天界面监听器 */   OnClickListener backButtonListener = new OnClickListener() {     @Override     public void onClick(View v) {       // TODO Auto-generated method stub       // 返回到聊天界面       finish();       dbAdapter.close();     }   };   @Override   public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {     // 按下键盘上返回按钮     if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {       finish();       dbAdapter.close();       return true;     } else {       return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);     }  }}


public class ChatHistoryService {   Context context;   public ChatHistoryService(Context context) {     this.context = context;   }   public Page<Record> getHistoryPage(Page<Record> page, String loginName,       String contactName, ContactsManagerDbAdapter dbAdapter) {     RecordDao recordDao = new RecordDao(dbAdapter);     return recordDao.getRecordPage(page, loginName, contactName);   }   public int deleteHistory(String loginName,       String contactName, ContactsManagerDbAdapter dbAdapter){     RecordDao recordDao = new RecordDao(dbAdapter);     return recordDao.deleteHistoryRecord(loginName, contactName);   } } 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- 与好友聊天窗口.xml --> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"  android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"   android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="@color/white">   <ListView android:id="@android:id/list" android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="200dip" android:layout_weight="1"     android:transcriptMode="normal" android:fadingEdge="none"     android:padding="4px" android:fastScrollEnabled="true"     android:smoothScrollbar="false"     android:focusable="true" android:dividerHeight="0dip"     android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" android:divider="@drawable/divider" />   <!-- 引用聊天内容.xml -->   <LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="50.0dip" android:orientation="horizontal"     android:background="#ccc" android:paddingLeft="3dip"     android:paddingTop="3dip">     <Button android:id="@+id/chat_prev_page"       android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"       android:background="@drawable/chat_prev_page" />     <TextView android:id="@+id/history_page" android:layout_width="30.0dip"       android:layout_height="25.0dip" android:gravity="center"       android:text="1/1"/>     <Button android:id="@+id/chat_next_page" android:layout_width="wrap_content"       android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/chat_next_page" />     <Button android:id="@+id/delete_history" android:layout_width="wrap_content"       android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/delete_history_button" />     <Button android:id="@+id/export_history" android:layout_width="wrap_content"       android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/export_history_button" />     <Button android:id="@+id/back_chats_history"       android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:background="@drawable/back_btn"/>   </LinearLayout> </LinearLayout>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- 消息内容的展示 --> <LinearLayout  xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"  android:layout_width="fill_parent"  android:layout_height="wrap_content"  android:orientation="vertical"  >  <!-- android:background="@drawable/item_style" -->   <TextView android:id="@+id/message_view_sender_content"     android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:autoLink="all" />   <TextView android:id="@+id/message_view_timestamp"     android:layout_alignParentRight="true" android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@+id/message_view_message"     android:layout_gravity="right" /> </LinearLayout> 



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