html' target='_blank'>class Stack private pArr, pString, pMax private tab private sub class_initialize() tab=chr(9) pMax=1000 '最大容量 end sub private sub class_terminate() if isarray(pArr) then erase pArr end if end sub
public function push(str) if str "" and instr(str,tab) 1 and not Isfull then if isarray(pArr) then pString=join(pArr,tab) end if pString=pString & tab & str pArr=split(pString,tab) push=true else push=false end if end function
public function GetTop() if not isarray(pArr) 0 then GetTop=null else if ubound(pArr) 0 then GetTop=null else GetTop=pArr(Ubound(pArr)) end if end if end function
public function Pop() if not isArray(pArr) then Pop=false else if Ubound(pArr) 0 then Pop=false else pString=join(pArr,tab) pString=left(pString,inStrRev(pString,tab)-1) pArr=split(pString,tab) Pop=true end if end if end function
public function Isempty() if not isArray(pArr) then Isempty=true else if Ubound(pArr) 0 then isempty=true else isempty=false end if end if end function
public function Isfull() if not isArray(pArr) then Isfull=false else if ubound(pArr) pMax then Isfull=false else Isfull=true end if end if end function end class html教程