这个不是exe2vbs 所有类型的文件都可以转化的 不过限于string的大小 文件不能太大 我测试过3m的文件是可以的 将下面的代码存为:file2vbs.vbs 复制代码 代码如下: 'Program By xiaolu 'name:file2vbs.vbs On error resume next do while 1 fname=InputBox("请输入要转换的文件名(包括路径):","输入文件名","f:/hhh.exe") if fname="" then Wscript.quit err.number=0 Set Ado = createObject("adodb.stream") With Ado .Type = 1 .open .loadfromfile fname ss = .read End With if err.number 0 then if msgbox("文件打开错误!",1,"File2VBS")=2 then Wscript.quit else exit do end if loop fname=InputBox("请输入声成的vbs名(包括路径):","输入文件名","f:/hhh.vbs") if fname="" then Wscript.quit Set Fso=createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set File=fso.OpenTextFile(fname,2, True) lens=lenB(ss) mod 500 For j=0 to int(lenB(ss)/500)-1 if j=0 then File.writeline "ss="""&Bin2Str(midb(ss,500*j+1,500))&"""_" else File.writeline "+"""&Bin2Str(midb(ss,500*j+1,500))&"""_" end if next if lens 0 then File.writeline "+"""&Bin2Str(rightb(ss,lens))&"""" else File.writeline "+"&chr(34)&chr(34) end if File.writeline "" File.writeline "Set RS=createObject(""ADODB.Recordset""):L=Len(ss)/2:RS.Fields.Append ""m"",205,L:RS.Open:RS.AddNew:RS(""m"")=ss&ChrB(0):RS.update:ss=RS(""m"").GetChunk(L)" File.writeline "Set s=createObject(""ADODB.Stream""):with s:.Mode = 3:.Type = 1:.Open():.Write ss:.SaveToFile wscript.arguments(0),2:end with" File.close Set fso=nothing Ado.close set Abo=nothing Function Bin2Str(Re) For i = 1 To lenB(Re) bt = AscB(MidB(Re, i, 1)) if bt 16 Then Bin2Str=Bin2Str&"0" Bin2Str=Bin2Str & Hex(bt) Next End Function