复制代码代码如下: html head meta charset="UTF-8" / title Animation in HTML5 using the canvas element /title /head body onload="init();" canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="600" Your browser does not support the code canvas /code -element.Please think about updating your brower! /canvas div id="controls" button type="button" Slower /button button type="button" Play /button button type="button" Faster /button /div /body /html js代码: 定义一些变量:
复制代码代码如下: html head meta charset="UTF-8" / title Animations in HTML5 using CSS3 animations /title /head body div id="container" div id="car" div id="chassis" /div div id="backtire" div /div div /div /div div id="fronttire" div /div div /div /div /div div id="grass" /div /div footer /footer /body /html CSS代码: body { padding:0; margin:0; } 定义车身与轮胎转到的动画(你会看到基本每一个动画都有四个版本的定义:原生版本/webkit【Chrome|Safari】/ms【为了向后兼容IE10】/moz【FireFox】)