登录163邮箱- 设置- POP3/SMTP/IMAP- 客户端授权密码
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN html head title PHP发邮件 - BY TANKING /title style type= text/css *{margin:0px;padding: 0px;} text-align: center; margin-top: 50px; #form-p{ width: 300px; margin:20px auto; #form-p .input_style{ width: 100%; height: 35px; font-size: 16px; text-indent: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; #form-p .textarea_style{ width: 100%; height: 65px; font-size: 16px; text-indent: 5px; resize: none; #form-p .sendbtn{ width: 100%; height: 35px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 5px; #result .yes{ position: fixed; top: 0px; background: #5cb85c; width: 100%; height: 35px; line-height: 35px; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; #result .no{ position: fixed; top: 0px; background: #c00; width: 100%; height: 35px; line-height: 35px; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; /style /head body h3 PHP发邮件-BY TANKING /h3 p id= form-p form action= mail.php method= POST input name= email type= text placeholder= 接收邮箱 >提交表单发送邮件处理
?php//获取表单提交的邮件标题$title = $_POST[ title //获取表单提交的内容$content = $_POST[ content include_once( smtp.class.php $smtpserver = smtp.163.com //SMTP服务器 $smtpserverport = 25; //SMTP服务器端口 //获取表单提交的邮件接收人邮箱号码 $email = $_POST[ email $smtpusermail = 你的163邮箱地址 //SMTP服务器的用户邮箱 $smtpuser = 你的163邮箱地址 //SMTP服务器的用户帐号 $smtppass = 授权密码 //SMTP服务器的授权密码 $smtp = new Smtp($smtpserver, $smtpserverport, true, $smtpuser, $smtppass); //这里面的一个true是表示使用身份验证,否则不使用身份验证. $emailtype = HTML //信件类型,文本:text;网页:HTML $smtpemailto = $email; $smtpemailfrom = $smtpusermail; $emailsubject = $title; $emailbody = p .$content. /p //开始发送邮件 $smtp- sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpemailfrom, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $emailtype); echo 发送成功! ?mail.php
这个不要动就行,拷贝到同一目录。?php//TANKING//2018-7-7error_reporting(0);class Smtp { /* Public Variables */ var $smtp_port; var $time_out; var $host_name; var $log_file; var $relay_host; var $debug; var $auth; var $user; var $pass; /* Private Variables */ var $sock; /* Constractor */ function smtp($relay_host = , $smtp_port = 25, $auth = false, $user, $pass) { $this- debug = false; $this- smtp_port = $smtp_port; $this- relay_host = $relay_host; $this- time_out = 30; //is used in fsockopen() $this- auth = $auth; //auth $this- user = $user; $this- pass = $pass; $this- host_name = localhost //is used in HELO command $this- log_file = $this- sock = false; /* Main Function */ function sendmail($to, $from, $subject = , $body = , $mailtype, $cc = , $bcc = , $additional_headers = ) { $mail_from = $this- get_address($this- strip_comment($from)); $body = ereg_replace( (^|(/r/n))(/.) , /1./3 , $body); $header.= MIME-Version:1.0/r/n if ($mailtype == HTML ) { $header.= Content-Type:text/html/r/n $header.= To: . $to . /r/n if ($cc != ) { $header.= Cc: . $cc . /r/n $header.= From: $from . $from . /r/n $header.= Subject: . $subject . /r/n $header.= $additional_headers; $header.= Date: . date( r ) . /r/n $header.= X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/ . phpversion() . )/r/n list($msec, $sec) = explode( , microtime()); $header.= Message-ID: . date( YmdHis , $sec) . . . ($msec * 1000000) . . . $mail_from . /r/n $TO = explode( , , $this- strip_comment($to)); if ($cc != ) { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode( , , $this- strip_comment($cc))); if ($bcc != ) { $TO = array_merge($TO, explode( , , $this- strip_comment($bcc))); $sent = true; foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) { $rcpt_to = $this- get_address($rcpt_to); if (!$this- smtp_sockopen($rcpt_to)) { $this- log_write( Error: Cannot send email to . $rcpt_to . /n $sent = false; continue; if ($this- smtp_send($this- host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body)) { $this- log_write( E-mail has been sent to . $rcpt_to . /n } else { $this- log_write( Error: Cannot send email to . $rcpt_to . /n $sent = false; fclose($this- sock); $this- log_write( Disconnected from remote host/n return $sent; /* Private Functions */ function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = ) { if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( HELO , $helo)) { return $this- smtp_error( sending HELO command // auth if ($this- auth) { if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( AUTH LOGIN , base64_encode($this- user))) { return $this- smtp_error( sending HELO command if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( , base64_encode($this- pass))) { return $this- smtp_error( sending HELO command if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( MAIL , FROM: . $from . )) { return $this- smtp_error( sending MAIL FROM command if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( RCPT , TO: . $to . )) { return $this- smtp_error( sending RCPT TO command if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( DATA )) { return $this- smtp_error( sending DATA command if (!$this- smtp_message($header, $body)) { return $this- smtp_error( sending message if (!$this- smtp_eom()) { return $this- smtp_error( sending CR LF . CR LF [EOM] if (!$this- smtp_putcmd( QUIT )) { return $this- smtp_error( sending QUIT command return true; function smtp_sockopen($address) { if ($this- relay_host == ) { return $this- smtp_sockopen_mx($address); } else { return $this- smtp_sockopen_relay(); function smtp_sockopen_relay() { $this- log_write( Trying to . $this- relay_host . : . $this- smtp_port . /n $this- sock = @fsockopen($this- relay_host, $this- smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this- time_out); if (!($this- sock $this- smtp_ok())) { $this- log_write( Error: Cannot connenct to relay host . $this- relay_host . /n $this- log_write( Error: . $errstr . ( . $errno . )/n return false; $this- log_write( Connected to relay host . $this- relay_host . /n return true;; function smtp_sockopen_mx($address) { $domain = ereg_replace( ^.+@([^@]+)$ , /1 , $address); if (!@getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS)) { $this- log_write( Error: Cannot resolve MX / . $domain . / /n return false; foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host) { $this- log_write( Trying to . $host . : . $this- smtp_port . /n $this- sock = @fsockopen($host, $this- smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this- time_out); if (!($this- sock $this- smtp_ok())) { $this- log_write( Warning: Cannot connect to mx host . $host . /n $this- log_write( Error: . $errstr . ( . $errno . )/n continue; $this- log_write( Connected to mx host . $host . /n return true; $this- log_write( Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts ( . implode( , , $MXHOSTS) . )/n return false; function smtp_message($header, $body) { fputs($this- sock, $header . /r/n . $body); $this- smtp_debug( . str_replace( /r/n , /n . , $header . /n . $body . /n )); return true; function smtp_eom() { fputs($this- sock, /r/n./r/n $this- smtp_debug( . [EOM]/n return $this- smtp_ok(); function smtp_ok() { $response = str_replace( /r/n , , fgets($this- sock, 512)); $this- smtp_debug($response . /n if (!ereg( ^[23] , $response)) { fputs($this- sock, QUIT/r/n fgets($this- sock, 512); $this- log_write( Error: Remote host returned / . $response . / /n return false; return true; function smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = ) { if ($arg != ) { if ($cmd == ) $cmd = $arg; else $cmd = $cmd . . $arg; fputs($this- sock, $cmd . /r/n $this- smtp_debug( . $cmd . /n return $this- smtp_ok(); function smtp_error($string) { $this- log_write( Error: Error occurred while . $string . ./n return false; function log_write($message) { $this- smtp_debug($message); if ($this- log_file == ) { return true; $message = date( M d H:i:s ) . get_current_user() . [ . getmypid() . ]: . $message; if (!@file_exists($this- log_file) || !($fp = @fopen($this- log_file, a ))) { $this- smtp_debug( Warning: Cannot open log file / . $this- log_file . / /n return false;; flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fputs($fp, $message); fclose($fp); return true; function strip_comment($address) { $comment = /([^()]*/) while (ereg($comment, $address)) { $address = ereg_replace($comment, , $address); return $address; function get_address($address) { $address = ereg_replace( ([ /t/r/n])+ , , $address); $address = ereg_replace( ^.* (.+) .*$ , /1 , $address); return $address; function smtp_debug($message) { if ($this- debug) { echo $message . ?尝试发邮件试试!
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