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2020-03-22 18:45:34


/** * 分享图片生成 * @param $gData  商品数据,array * @param $codeName 二维码图片 * @param $fileName string 保存文件名,默认空则直接输入图片 */function createSharePng($gData,$codeName,$fileName = ''){    //创建画布    $im = imagecreatetruecolor(618, 1000);    //填充画布背景色    $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);    imagefill($im, 0, 0, $color);    //字体文件    $font_file = "code_png/msyh.ttf";    $font_file_bold = "code_png/msyh_bold.ttf";    //设定字体的颜色    $font_color_1 = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 140, 140, 140);    $font_color_2 = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 28, 28, 28);    $font_color_3 = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 129, 129, 129);    $font_color_red = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 217, 45, 32);    $fang_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 254, 216, 217);    //Logo    list($l_w,$l_h) = getimagesize('code_png/logo100_100.png');    $logoImg = @imagecreatefrompng('code_png/logo100_100.png');    imagecopyresized($im, $logoImg, 274, 28, 0, 0, 70, 70, $l_w, $l_h);    //温馨提示    imagettftext($im, 14,0, 100, 130, $font_color_1 ,$font_file, '温馨提示:喜欢长按图片识别二维码即可前往购买');    //商品图片    list($g_w,$g_h) = getimagesize($gData['pic']);    $goodImg = createImageFromFile($gData['pic']);    imagecopyresized($im, $goodImg, 0, 185, 0, 0, 618, 618, $g_w, $g_h);    //二维码    list($code_w,$code_h) = getimagesize($codeName);    $codeImg = createImageFromFile($codeName);    imagecopyresized($im, $codeImg, 440, 820, 0, 0, 170, 170, $code_w, $code_h);    //商品描述    $theTitle = cn_row_substr($gData['title'],2,19);    imagettftext($im, 14,0, 8, 845, $font_color_2 ,$font_file, $theTitle[1]);    imagettftext($im, 14,0, 8, 875, $font_color_2 ,$font_file, $theTitle[2]);    imagettftext($im, 14,0, 8, 935, $font_color_2 ,$font_file, "券后价¥");    imagettftext($im, 28,0, 80, 935, $font_color_red ,$font_file_bold, $gData["price"]);    imagettftext($im, 14,0, 8,970, $font_color_3 ,$font_file, "现价¥".$gData["original_price"]);    //优惠券    if($gData['coupon_price']){        imagerectangle ($im, 125 , 950 , 160 , 975 , $font_color_3);        imagefilledrectangle ($im, 126 , 951 , 159 , 974 , $fang_bg_color);        imagettftext($im, 14,0, 135,970, $font_color_3 ,$font_file, "券");        $coupon_price = strval($gData['coupon_price']);        imagerectangle ($im, 160 , 950 , 198 + (strlen($coupon_price)* 10), 975 , $font_color_3);        imagettftext($im, 14,0, 170,970, $font_color_3 ,$font_file, $coupon_price."元");    }    //输出图片    if($fileName){        imagepng ($im,$fileName);    }else{        Header("Content-Type: image/png");        imagepng ($im);    }    //释放空间    imagedestroy($im);    imagedestroy($goodImg);    imagedestroy($codeImg);}/** * 从图片文件创建Image资源 * @param $file 图片文件,支持url * @return bool|resource    成功返回图片image资源,失败返回false */function createImageFromFile($file){    if(preg_match('/http(s)?://///',$file)){        $fileSuffix = getNetworkImgType($file);    }else{        $fileSuffix = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);    }    if(!$fileSuffix) return false;    switch ($fileSuffix){        case 'jpeg':            $theImage = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file);            break;        case 'jpg':            $theImage = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file);            break;        case 'png':            $theImage = @imagecreatefrompng($file);            break;        case 'gif':            $theImage = @imagecreatefromgif($file);            break;        default:            $theImage = @imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($file));            break;    }    return $theImage;}/** * 获取网络图片类型 * @param $url  网络图片url,支持不带后缀名url * @return bool */function getNetworkImgType($url){    $ch = curl_init(); //初始化curl    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //设置需要获取的URL    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3);//设置超时    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); //支持https    curl_exec($ch);//执行curl会话    $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch);//获取curl连接资源句柄信息    curl_close($ch);//关闭资源连接    if ($http_code['http_code'] == 200) {        $theImgType = explode('/',$http_code['content_type']);        if($theImgType[0] == 'image'){            return $theImgType[1];        }else{            return false;        }    }else{        return false;    }}/** * 分行连续截取字符串 * @param $str  需要截取的字符串,UTF-8 * @param int $row  截取的行数 * @param int $number   每行截取的字数,中文长度 * @param bool $suffix  最后行是否添加‘...’后缀 * @return array    返回数组共$row个元素,下标1到$row */function cn_row_substr($str,$row = 1,$number = 10,$suffix = true){    $result = array();    for ($r=1;$r<=$row;$r++){        $result[$r] = '';    }    $str = trim($str);    if(!$str) return $result;    $theStrlen = strlen($str);    //每行实际字节长度    $oneRowNum = $number * 3;    for($r=1;$r<=$row;$r++){        if($r == $row and $theStrlen > $r * $oneRowNum and $suffix){            $result[$r] = mg_cn_substr($str,$oneRowNum-6,($r-1)* $oneRowNum).'...';        }else{            $result[$r] = mg_cn_substr($str,$oneRowNum,($r-1)* $oneRowNum);        }        if($theStrlen < $r * $oneRowNum) break;    }    return $result;}/** * 按字节截取utf-8字符串 * 识别汉字全角符号,全角中文3个字节,半角英文1个字节 * @param $str  需要切取的字符串 * @param $len  截取长度[字节] * @param int $start    截取开始位置,默认0 * @return string */function mg_cn_substr($str,$len,$start = 0){    $q_str = '';    $q_strlen = ($start + $len)>strlen($str) ? strlen($str) : ($start + $len);    //如果start不为起始位置,若起始位置为乱码就按照UTF-8编码获取新start    if($start and json_encode(substr($str,$start,1)) === false){        for($a=0;$a<3;$a++){            $new_start = $start + $a;            $m_str = substr($str,$new_start,3);            if(json_encode($m_str) !== false) {                $start = $new_start;                break;            }        }    }    //切取内容    for($i=$start;$i<$q_strlen;$i++){        //ord()函数取得substr()的第一个字符的ASCII码,如果大于0xa0的话则是中文字符        if(ord(substr($str,$i,1))>0xa0){            $q_str .= substr($str,$i,3);            $i+=2;        }else{            $q_str .= substr($str,$i,1);        }    }    return $q_str;}//使用方法-------------------------------------------------//数据格式,如没有优惠券coupon_price值为0。$gData = [    'pic' => 'code_png/nv_img.jpg',    'title' =>'chic韩版工装羽绒棉服女冬中长款2017新款棉袄大毛领收腰棉衣外套',    'price' => 19.8,    'original_price' => 119.8,    'coupon_price' => 100];//直接输出createSharePng($gData,'code_png/php_code.jpg');//输出到图片createSharePng($gData,'code_png/php_code.jpg','share.png');

以上就是PHP生成分享图片实例的详细内容,更多请关注 其它相关文章!


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