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2020-03-22 18:43:58


 $css=array('style'=>'0',‘color’=>‘green‘);  则$css['style']=='0',$css['color']=='green'。



 1 <?php  2   $arr=['a'=>123,'b'=>456];//数组初始化  3   echo $arr['a'];//数组引用  4   print_r($arr);//查看数组  5   html' target='_blank'>class A{  6     public $a=123;  7     public $b=456;  8   }  9   $obj=new A(); 10   echo $obj->a;//对象引用 11   print_r($obj);//查看对象 12 ?>


123Array(    [a] => 123    [b] => 456)123A Object(    [a] => 123    [b] => 456)


  双冒号操作符即作用域限定操作符Scope Resolution Operator可以访问静态、const和类中重写的属性与方法。

  (1)Program List:用变量在类定义外部访问

 1 <?php  2 class Fruit {  3     const CONST_VALUE = 'Fruit Color';  4 }  5   6 $classname = 'Fruit';  7 echo $classname::CONST_VALUE; // As of PHP 5.3.0  8   9 echo Fruit::CONST_VALUE; 10 ?>

  (2)Program List:在类定义外部使用::

 1     2 <?php  3 class Fruit {  4     const CONST_VALUE = 'Fruit Color';  5 }  6   7 class Apple extends Fruit  8 {  9     public static $color = 'Red'; 10  11     public static function doubleColon() { 12         echo parent::CONST_VALUE . "/n"; 13         echo self::$color . "/n"; 14     } 15 } 16  17 Apple::doubleColon(); 18 ?>

  (3)Program List:调用parent方法

 1 <?php  2 class Fruit  3 {  4     protected function showColor() {  5         echo "Fruit::showColor()/n";  6     }  7 }  8   9 class Apple extends Fruit 10 { 11     // Override parent's definition 12     public function showColor() 13     { 14         // But still call the parent function 15         parent::showColor(); 16         echo "Apple::showColor()/n"; 17     } 18 } 19  20 $apple = new Apple(); 21 $apple->showColor(); 22 ?>

  (4)Program List:使用作用域限定符

 1     2 <?php  3     class Apple  4     {  5         public function showColor()  6         {  7             return $this->color;  8         }  9     } 10  11     class Banana12     { 13         public $color; 14  15         public function __construct() 16         { 17             $this->color = "Banana is yellow"; 18         } 19  20         public function GetColor() 21         { 22             return Apple::showColor(); 23         } 24     } 25  26     $banana = new Banana; 27     echo $banana->GetColor(); 28 ?>

  (5)Program List:调用基类的方法

 1       2 <?php  3   4 class Fruit  5 {  6     static function color()  7     {  8         return "color";  9     } 10  11     static function showColor() 12     { 13         echo "show " . self::color(); 14     } 15 } 16  17 class Apple extends Fruit 18 { 19     static function color() 20     { 21         return "red"; 22     } 23 } 24  25 Apple::showColor(); 26 // output is "show color"! 27  28 ?>

以上就是PHP中=>和->以及::的用法的详细内容,更多请关注 其它相关文章!


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