复制代码 代码如下: Base dao html' target='_blank'>class illustrating the usefulness of closures. * Handles opening and closing of connections. * Adds slashes sql * Type checking of sql parameters and casts as appropriate * Provides hook for processing of result set and emitting one or more objects. * Provides hook for accessing underlying link and result objects. phpdefine("userName","root"); define("password","root"); define("dbName","ahcdb"); define("hostName","localhost");class BaseDao { function getConnection() { $link = mysql_connect(hostName, userName, password); if (!$link) die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); if (!mysql_select_db(dbName)) die("Could not select database: " . mysql_error()); return $link; }
function getSingle($sql, $params, $callback) { return $this- executeQuery($sql, $params, function($result, $link) use ($callback) { if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $obj = $callback($row); return $obj; }); } }class Example { var $id; var $name;
function Example($id, $name){ $this- id = $id; $this- name = $name; }
function setId($id){ $this- id = $id; } }class ExampleDao extends BaseDao {
function getAll(){ return parent::getList("select * from nodes", null, function($idx, $row) { return new Example($row["id"], $row["name"]); }); }
function load($id){ return parent::getSingle("select * from nodes where id = %1/$s", array($id), function($row) { return new Example($row["id"], $row["name"]); }); }
function update($example){ return parent::executeQuery("update nodes set name = '' where id = -1", null, function($result, $link){ return $result; }); }
function insert(& $example){ return parent::executeQuery("insert into nodes", null, function($result, $link) use ($example){ $id = mysql_insert_id($link); $example- setId($id); return $result; }); } }$exampleDao = new ExampleDao();$list = $exampleDao- getAll());$exampleObject = $exampleDao- load(1));$exampleDao- update($exampleObject); PHP教程