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2020-03-22 17:17:23
本文实例讲述了php从数据库查询结果生成树形列表的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体分析如下:本代码可以从数据库读取数据生成一个类似于windows的资源管理器的树形列表/* Here are the database definitions (for Solid) that i use in this code. * It should not be hard to adapt it to another database.CREATE TABLE dirent_types ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, icon VARCHAR(50), name VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY(id)INSERT INTO dirent_types VALUES(1, 'folderclosed', 'Directory');INSERT INTO dirent_types VALUES(2, 'document', 'File');CREATE TABLE directory ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, parent INTEGER REFERENCES directory(id), name VARCHAR(200), icon VARCHAR(50), type INTEGER REFERENCES dirent_types(id), url VARCHAR(200), PRIMARY KEY(id)DROP INDEX directory_idx;CREATE UNIQUE INDEX directory_idx ON directory(parent, name);CREATE SEQUENCE dirent_id;"CREATE PROCEDURE insert_dir_entry (name VARCHAR, parent INTEGER, type INTEGER) RETURNS(id INTEGER)BEGIN EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR ABORT; EXEC SEQUENCE dirent_id.NEXT INTO id; EXEC SQL PREPARE c_insert INSERT INTO directory (id, parent, type, name) VALUES( , , , EXEC SQL EXECUTE c_insert USING (id, parent, type, name); EXEC SQL DROP c_insert;END";CALL insert_dir_entry('My Computer', NULL, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('Network Neighbourhood', NULL, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('lucifer.guardian.no', 2, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('rafael.guardian.no', 2, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('uriel.guardian.no', 2, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('Control Panel', NULL, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('Services', 6, 1);CALL insert_dir_entry('Apache', 7, 2);CALL insert_dir_entry('Solid Server 2.2', 7, 2);function icon($icon, $name = '', $width = 0, $height = 0) { global $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $icon_loc = '/pics/menu'; $file = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT$icon_loc/$icon.gif"; if (!$width || !$height) { $iconinfo = getimagesize($file); if (!$width) { $width = $iconinfo[0]; if (!$height) { $height = $iconinfo[1]; printf( ' img%s border=0 align=top src="/pics/menu/%s.gif" '. 'width="%d" height="%d" ', $name " name=/"$name/"" : '', $icon, $width, $height);function display_directory($parent,$showdepth=0,$ancestors=false){ global $child_nodes, $node_data, $last_child; reset($child_nodes[$parent]); $size = sizeof($child_nodes[$parent]); $lastindex = $size - 1; if (!$ancestors) { $ancestors = array(); $depth = sizeof($ancestors); printf( ' div id="node_%d" visibility="%s" ', $parent, $showdepth 0 'show' : 'hide'); while (list($index, $node) = each($child_nodes[$parent])) { for ($i = 0; $i $depth; $i++) { $up_parent = (int)$node_data[$ancestors[$i]][ 'parent']; $last_node_on_generation = $last_child[$up_parent]; $uptree_node_on_generation = $ancestors[$i]; if ($last_node_on_generation == $uptree_node_on_generation) { icon( "blank"); } else { icon( "line"); if ($child_nodes[$node]) { // has children, i.e. it is a folder $conn_icon = "plus"; $expand = true; } else { $conn_icon = "join"; $expand = false; if ($index == $lastindex) { $conn_icon .= "bottom"; } elseif ($depth == 0 && $index == 0) { $conn_icon .= "top"; if ($expand) { printf( " a href=/"javascript:document.layers['node_%d'].visibility='show'/" ", $node); icon($conn_icon, "connImg_$node"); if ($expand) { print( " /a $icon = $node_data[$node][ 'icon']; if (!$icon) { $type = $node_data[$node][ 'type']; $icon = $GLOBALS[ 'dirent_icons'][$type]; icon($icon, "nodeImg_$node"); $name = $node_data[$node][ 'name']; printf( ' font size="%d" %s /font br%c ', -1, $name, 10); if ($child_nodes[$node]) { $newdepth = $showdepth; if ($newdepth 0) { $newdepth--; $new_ancestors = $ancestors; $new_ancestors[] = $node; display_directory($node, $newdepth, $new_ancestors); print( " /div/n function setup_directory($parent, $maxdepth) global $dirent_icons, $child_nodes, $node_data, $last_child; $dirent_icons = sql_assoc('SELECT id,icon FROM dirent_types'); $query = 'SELECT id,parent,type,icon,name '. 'FROM directory '. 'ORDER BY parent,name'; $child_nodes = array(); $node_data = array(); $res = sql($query); while (list($id,$parent,$type,$icon,$name)=db_fetch_row($res)){ $child_nodes[(int)$parent][] = $id; $node_data[$id] = array( 'id' = $id, 'parent' = $parent, 'type' = $type, 'icon' = $icon, 'name' = $name); $last_child[(int)$parent] = $id; 希望本文所述对大家的php程序设计有所帮助。PHP教程


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