/** * 接口公共访问方法 * @param {Object} urlPath 访问路径 * @param {Object} params 访问参数(json格式) * @param {Object} requestCode 访问码,返回处理使用 * @param {Object} onSuccess 成功回调 * @param {Object} onErrorBefore 失败回调 * @param {Object} onComplete 请求完成(不管成功或失败)回调 * @param {Object} isVerify 是否验证重复提交 * @param {Object} requestType 请求类型(默认POST) * @param {Object} retry 访问失败重新请求次数(默认1次) */ webCall: function (urlPath, params, requestCode, onSuccess, onErrorBefore, onComplete, isVerify, requestType, retry) { var params = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; //var requestCode = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1; var onSuccess = arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : function () { }; var onErrorBefore = arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : this.onError; var onComplete = arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : this.onComplete; var isVerify = arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : false; var requestType = arguments[7] ? arguments[7] : "POST"; var retry = arguments[8] ? arguments[8] : 1; var that = this; //防止重复提交,相同请求间隔时间不能小于500毫秒 var nowTime = new Date().getTime(); if (this.requestCount[urlPath] && (nowTime - this.requestCount[urlPath]) < 500) { return; } this.requestCount[urlPath] = nowTime; //是否验证重复提交 if (isVerify) { if (this.verifyCount[urlPath]) { return; } this.verifyCount[urlPath] = true; //重复验证开关开启 } console.log("发起网络请求, 路径:" + (that.apiHost + urlPath) + ", 参数:" + JSON.stringify(params)); wx.request({ url: that.apiHost + urlPath, data: params, method: requestType, // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'content-type': requestType == 'POST' ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' : 'application/json' }, // 设置请求的 header success: function (res) { console.log("返回结果:" + JSON.stringify(res.data)); if (res.data) { if (res.data.statusCode == 200) { //访问成功 onSuccess(res.data, requestCode); } else if (res.data.statusCode == 300000001) { // 未登录 that.isLogin = false; onErrorBefore(0, res.data.message, requestCode); } else { onErrorBefore(0, res.data.message == null ? "请求失败 , 请重试" : res.data.message, requestCode); } } else { onErrorBefore(0, "请求失败 , 请重试", requestCode); } }, fail: function (res) { retry--; console.log("网络访问失败:" + JSON.stringify(res)); if (retry > 0) return that.webCall(urlPath, params, requestCode, onSuccess, onErrorBefore, onComplete, requestType, retry); }, complete: function (res) { onComplete(requestCode); //请求完成后,2秒后重复验证的开关关闭 if (isVerify) { setTimeout(function () { that.verifyCount[urlPath] = false; }, 2000); } } }) }
// 请求 home banner 数据 wx.showNavigationBarLoading(); app.webCall("/app/homeBanner", {}, QUERY_BANNER, this.onSuccess, this.onErrorBefore, this.onComplete);
/** * 接口访问成功返回 * @param {Object} data * @param {Object} requestCode */ onSuccess: function (data, requestCode) { var that = this; switch (requestCode) { case QUERY_BANNER: that.setData({ bannerData: (data ? data.data : []) }); break; }