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2019-11-04 00:31:14

  前不久,朋友在对一台带语音模快的CISCO2610进行IOS升级时,由于路由器的内存(Flash)为8M,IOS软件为7M多,升级后路由器无法正常启动。启动后到rommon 1 >状态,请求帮助。由于本人长期从事计算机网络管理工作,在对CISCO路由器的长期日常维护和管理实践中积累了一定的经验。现总结归纳出CISCO路由器IOS映像升级的几种方法,供广大网络爱好者或同仁参考。在介绍CISCO路由器IOS升级方法前,有必要对Cisco路由器的存储器的相关知识作以简单介绍。路由器与计算机相似,它也有内存和操作系统。在Cisco路由器中,其操作系统叫做互连网操作系统(Internetwork Operating System),常简称为IOS.路由器的存储器主要有:



  FLASH (闪存):用来存储IOS软件映像文件,闪存是可以擦除内存,它能够用IOS的新版本覆写,IOS升级主要是闪存中的IOS映像文件进行更换。






  QUOTE:Router# dir flash: (查看目前IOS映象文件名,也可用Router#Show version)

  Directory of flash:/

  1 -rw- 5998292 C2600-I-MZ.122-11.BIN

  8388608 bytes total (2390252 bytes free)

  Router#copy flash tftp (备份IOS文件)

  Source filename []?c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin

  Address or name of remote host []? (TFTP服务器地址)

  Destination filename [c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin]?




  5998292 bytes copied in 324.071 secs (18509 bytes/sec)

  Router# 3、对路由器进行IOS升级;

  QUOTE:Router#copy tftp flash

  Address or name of remote host []? (TFTP服务器地址)

  Source filename []? c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin (需升级的新IOS映象文件名)

  Destination filename [c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin]?

  Do you want to over write? [confirm]

  accessing tftp://……

  Erase flash: before copying? [confirm]

  Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]

  Erasing device…… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ……erasedee

  Erase of flash: complete

  Loading c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin from (via Ethernet0/0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  [OK - 5998292 bytes]

  Verifying checksum…… OK (0xA0C0)

  5998292 bytes copied in 318.282 secs (18846 bytes/sec)

  Router# IOS升级方法二



  Router(boot)#其他升级步骤同方法一,即:执行copy tftp flash命令,对IOS进行升级。升级完成后,不要忘了修改config-register寄存器值为0x2102(恢复正常值)。

  QUOTE:Router(boot)# t

  Router(boot)( config)# config-register 0x2102

  Router(boot)( config)#exit




  由于不小心使用了命令erase flash或升级失败后或在开启(某些型号)Cisco路由器的电源开关后30秒内按下Ctrl+break键,中断路由器的正常启动,路由器都会进入rom监视模式,即 rommon 1>,在这种情形下,对路由器的IOS进行升级,情况要稍微复杂一点。在rommon 1>状态下,可键?请求帮助。(1为命令行序号,每执行1条命令自动加1)

  QUOTE:rommon 1 > ?

  alias set and display aliases command

  boot boot up an external PRocess

  break set/show/clear the breakpoint

  confreg configuration register utility

  cont continue executing a downloaded image

  context display the context of a loaded image

  cookie display contents of cookie PROM in hex

  dev list the device table

  dir list files in file system

  dis display instruction stream

  dnld serial download a program module

  frame print out a selected stack frame

  help monitor builtin command help

  history monitor command history

  meminfo main memory information

  repeat repeat a monitor command

  reset system reset

  set display the monitor variables

  stack produce a stack trace

  sync write monitor environment to NVRAM

  sysret print out info from last system return

  tftpdnld tftp image download

  unalias unset an alias

  unset unset a monitor variable

  xmodem x/ymodem image download

  rommon 2 >在rommon 1>状态下有两种升级IOS方法。

  (一)、通过Xmodem命令(注:Xmodem与实际的modem没有任何联系 只是一个传输协议 数据是通过终端的串口和路由器的Console口灌进去的)升级IOS,具体步骤如下:



  QUOTE:rommon 2 > xmodem -c c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin


  WARNING: All existing data in bootflash will be lost!

  Invoke this application only for disaster recovery.

  Do you wish to continue? y/n [n]: y Ready to receive file c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin …… (此时在超级终端的传送栏目=> 选择发送文件选项 => 再选择Xmodem 并指明IOS映像文件所在的路径,按发送即开始上传IOS,等待时间很长,视IOS的大小和传输速度。)

  QUOTE:Erasing flash at 0x607c0000

  program flash location 0x605b0000

  Download Complete!

  传完以后,对整个系统初始化 显示如下:

  QUOTE:program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0x5b85e0

  Self decompressing the image :


  Smart Init is disabled. IOMEM set to: 10

  Using iomem percentage: 10

  Restricted Rights Legend

  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is

  subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

  (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted

  Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph

  (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer

  Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

  cisco Systems, Inc.

  170 West Tasman Drive

  San Jose, California 95134-1706

  Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

  IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.2(11)T9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

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